Chōji and the Facade

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A small, skinny brunet ran up to a woman with dark hair and black eyes.

"Kaa-san, I can't finish my food!" Chōji said, sniffling.

His plate was huge, even for a fully grown adult. Moreover, it was piled with food. It was an amount that none would be able to finish. Unless they were an Akimichi, of course. If it were an Akimichi, it would barely be enough for a child. However, Chōji had eaten a normal portion of food for a normal child.

On the other hand, wastage of food is strictly prohibited within the Akimichi clan. It is a crime comparable to blasphemy. As such, Chōji was trembling in fear of his mother's wrath. Although his mother was usually a kind lady, she was still scary when she was angered.

On the other hand, Chōji was different from the rest of the children of the clan. He ate much less. He had no interest in eating constantly. He was much smaller than the other children.

As an Akimichi, his bones were naturally bigger than an average human's. This is because members of the Akimichi clan were all on the heavier side, requiring a high-calorie diet to perform their clan jutsu properly. Despite that, he was slim. Although not merely skin and bones, he had minimal fat deposits on his body. He only the baby fat that was present in all children. Chōji's metabolism was also rather high as he preferred to be more active, often playing with the Yamanaka and Nara clan heirs, the children of his father's best friends.

Even though Chōji was unable to finish his food, his mother did not look angry. She looked worried.

"You eat too little! It is unhealthy. Look at you, so skinny! You need to eat more to grow!" Chōji's mother coaxed, scooping up another spoonful of food from the plate.

"I'm already very full, kaa-san. I cannot eat more!" the four-year-old tried to tell his mother as he inched away from her outstretched arm.

"Please? Just one mouthful more. It will make kaa-san very happy. You are much too skinny!" his mother pleaded.

Chōji hesitantly ate the spoonful of food, doing his best to swallow it and keep it there without vomiting. He had already eaten as much as he could, not wanting to disappoint his mother. He truly was unable to take another scoop more. However, his mother had given him no choice.

Chōji noticed his mother scooping up another spoonful and could only shake his head frantically, turning slightly green and backing out of the dining room as quickly as his short little legs would allow. He ran away from his mother and onto the porch, stopping abruptly and falling to the ground in a sprawl.

"Hello, Chōji," a voice said with an amused tone near where his head was planted in the ground.

Chōji tilted his head up slightly, wearily to face the familiar voice.

"Shikamaru!" Chōji shouted with glee, embracing his friend warmly.

"Your mother forced you to eat too much again?" Shikamaru guessed.

Chōji groaned, giving the Nara his answer. Shikamaru shook his head. His friend was an anomaly within the Akimichi clan. However, Shikamaru himself was no different. He had no right to talk.

"What happened this time?" Shikamaru sighed as he seated himself beside his friend.

Chōji groaned and flipped himself over such that he was facing the ceiling. This gave Shikamaru his answer.

Shikamaru rubbed his chin with a thumb, seeming to become lost in thought as he pondered over the issue that his best friend was facing.

Chōji bit his lip, sweat dripping off his brow as he stared at Shikamaru in anticipation.

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