Chapter two

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Adelaie watched as the feast went on. It had only been a few hours and more than half the men were drunk. The music that filled the stuffy dining hall did nothing to cure her of her irritated boredom. When Robert saw her sit at the end of the hall, he had commanded that she sit at the high Table. No Morley should sit below any family Robert had told her. She disagreed. Adelaie wanted to be at the back of the hall, closest to the exit like usual. When she looked out into the mass of men, she was looking for one person, who didn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

Adelaie sat to the left of the queen while Catelyn was on her right. The three had sat there in an almost awkward silence as they watched the celebrations. Amongst the drunk men, Robert was the easiest to spot. If it wasn't for his annoyingly loud voice, she would've thought it was some drunk, fat lord fondling one of the maids. His careless behaviour was something not only Adelaie, but Catelyn was disgusted by. Both pitied the woman sitting between them, who silently sat and watched with almost no emotion as the man she called her husband, and king, drunkenly pull the maid into his lap.

"Is this your first time in the North, your Grace?" Catelyn asked, attempting to ease the tension,

"Yes, lovely country." Cersei replied shortly, seemingly disinterested in the small talk.

"I'm sure it's very grim after King's Landing." Catelyn said, "I remember how scared I was when Eddard brought me up here for the first time." The queen didn't reply as Sansa approached the table, her eyes meeting Adelaie's and giving her a small smile, which was returned.

Jon had told Adelaie that both Sansa and Arya adored her. Not only was she like an elder sister, but someone each of them wished to be like. Catelyn a similar story as well. She admired how independent and strong Adelaie had grown to be. Catelyn had raised Adelaie from a young age, only months old like her son. She raised Adelaie as her own for four years before Sansa came. By then, Adelaie already knew how to hold a sword. She would chase Robb and Jon around the yard with the small, wooden sword Ned had given her for her name day.

"Hello, little dove" Cersei greeted Sansa. Sansa looked ecstatic to be standing in front of the queen, "but you are a beauty." The woman continued, "how old are you?" She asked, causing Sansa's smile to slightly widen.

"Thirteen, your grace." She said sweetly.

"you're tall, still growing?" She was asked,

"I think so, your grace." Sansa replied, her smile never fading as she looked at the queen.

"and have you bled yet?" This question caused her smile to fade as she looked to her mother before looking back to Cersei and shaking her head.

"No, your grace." Cersei noticed the small disappointment on the girl's face, causing her to quickly change the subject to something of a lighter matter.

"Your dress, did you make it?" Sansa nodded, a smile once again coming to her features, "such a talent, you must make something for me." Cersei told her with a smile. Sansa gave her a slight curtsey and began to walk back to her seat.

"I hear we might share a grandchild one day." Cersei said to Catelyn.

"I hear the same." She replied as the blonde woman turned to her.

"Your daughter will do well in the capital. Such a Beauty shouldn't stay hidden up here forever." She told the mother. Adelaie rolled her eyes. A beauty like Sansa would be lost in King's landing.

"We haven't yet had the pleasure, lady Morley." Adelaie turned to Cersei, who smiled at her gracefully. Adelaie noticed the woman had been eyeing her.

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