21: Reborn

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Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Anthony and The Johnsons

Perfect song for this


I hadn't moved my gaze away from the large clock adorning John's wall beside the TV.

Eleven hours and... Fifty seven minutes.

I have watched Ana move in and out of the living room with bowls, all of them covered. She'd cast a spell to block out all the sounds from upstairs so none of us could hear what was going on almost eleven hours and fifty minutes ago. Those seven minutes of crying... And screaming...

I covered my face from the memory and wiped away my fallen tears for the sixtieth time. After the general realisation that Amy was indeed giving birth I'd had a meltdown. Which lasted until Ana had silenced upstairs. And then I blew up.

"How dare you." I said earlier. I couldn't even shout. I didn't have the energy or strength to even make my words angrier. I couldn't. "How dare all of you." I'd looked every single one of them in the eye. The guilt was heavy in each of their stares more so Kate and Micah. Katherine had tried to touch me after I'd stood up from holding her but I'd stepped away. "She is my best friend. My family. And for all of you to keep this from me?" My voice quivered by the end. 

"She made us promise." Micah stood. "She wanted you to finish your exams without having to worry about her. Only I, Katherine, Celia and Michael-"

"So Michael knew?"

"Michael knew yes. But only I and Amy knew what happened to you if you knew about her. You would have failed all but one exam. She didn't want that and neither did I. It was either you not knowing and being angry now. Or you knowing and failing."

I hadn't replied to Micah's confession. What could I reply? It was a valid reason for not telling me especially with Micah knowing exactly how my future would have been if I had known about it before hand. 

I stood a fair distance away from what was left of the group. Some had gone to do their nightly shift on the streets. Mainly the men including Christian. All that were left were the witches, Pam, Jacqueline, Nate and Michael. 

Michael lifted his eyes from the couch to meet my stare but I looked away and stepped into the kitchen. He'd tried to pull me to the side to talk when he got in half an hour after me earlier. He'd tried multiple times. But I wouldn't. I refused, not until I knew she was okay. I didn't want to be bothered, I just wanted to withdraw into myself. I wanted to be left alone. Nate's also tried to talk to me but I just really couldn't right now.

You know who I wanted? I wanted my mom. I wanted to curl into my mom's side while she stroked my hair and told me everything was going to be okay. That Amy would be fine. "She'll make it sweetie. And so will her baby." I just wanted to hear those words come out of her mouth. I wanted Chelsea to be here. I wanted her to know that our friend was in labor, that she would be adding a new member to the family. 

The temptation of telling her was extremely strong. Every so often I'd touch my phone or stare at her contact number. She was so terribly out of the loop it wasn't fair. If I told her what would she do? Would she recklessly hop on a plane just to see the baby during exam season? Would she hate us more if we didn't tell her?

It was almost sunrise and I was the only one as well as the few vampires here that hadn't slept. No one knew how long it would last not even Katherine or Micah. I glanced into the living room at Katherine sleeping on the ground with Micah surrounded by pillows. My lips lifted into a small smile at the two of them; Katherine's head rested on his chest, his arm wrapped around her. 

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