Before the 2nd Kiss - Part 5

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I wasn't as surprised about the bi thing as I was by how nonchalant he was when telling me. Because, yes, it was clear he liked girls and Lexi had already told me all about what a promiscuous playboy he was. But, like I said, he flirted with everyone and he was way too okay with asking me questions about gay sex.

For Jay who was younger and had zero experience with guys, I took on the role of a
mentor, escorting him to different gay clubs, explaining our lingo and what not to say before he
had his first hookup.

Jay told me he and the guy hadn't gone all the way. After that, he didn't mention going to any gay clubs again, so I assumed the experience had made him reluctant to continue his exploration. Maybe he'd realized he wasn't bi or at least not into the sex. Still, we hung out at regular bars and sometimes met up for lunch to gush about Supernatural. Jay's carefree and upbeat personality was refreshing. My increasing confidence and sassiness along with his cockiness and wit made us an impactful duo.

As my second year started, Jay entered the same university . This year, my roommate was Tim, the awkward golden-haired boy I'd switched roommates with the year before. Apparently, Oladapo had moved into another dorm to room with a friend who, get this, was bisexual. I guessed it was possible for some people to have a change of heart. Tim didn't mind me having friends over, as long as I promised to never do any "gay stuff where he could see." I took the fact that he specified "gay" stuff as a sign that he wasn't totally accepting of homosexuality like he'd once claimed.

One afternoon, Jay sat at my dorm room desk and brought up his forgotten bi-exploration. "

"Like, the world is going to shit, you know? Marathons are being bombed. Floods and
explosions. Our mayor is a coke addict. Who knows when we're going to die. I've got to have
gay sex before then."
Jay was so sex-obsessed that I couldn't tell whether he was actually being serious or
trying out dark humor.

"Well, do you want to do it with me?" I asked. I'd never been friends-with-benefits with anyone before. But Jay wanted to try it and it's not like I was saving myself for someone special; I'd had hookups. And Jay was attractive. So, I figured just once would be fine.

After a moment of thinking, Jay agreed. Tim walked into the room immediately after, saying, "No gay sex in the room."

"No straight sex in the room," I challenged back, raising an eyebrow.


"This street goes both ways, dear." We gave each other hard looks.

"Wow," Jay remarked, looking between us. "The sexual tension is killing me."

Tim grumbled something, grabbed some books off his desk, then left, slamming the door. I gave his afterimage the finger. "Okay, well, my roommate doesn't allow gay sex in the room and you live with your parents, so we're going to have to get a hotel room. Let's split the cost."

"Sure. And this is a one-time thing."

"One time."

"Then let's do it."

I wasn't even thinking about boyfriends anymore. If fate wanted me to be a slut forever, so be it. How did I take a such a huge step back after finally moving forward? It's simple.

A bit before Jay and I made our agreement, I'd gone home for Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving and Christmas of my first year and the Summer after it, neither the name "Liam" or even "Santos" came from my mom's lips. By this point, it was like he didn't even exist anymore. I was over him.

But my dear, sweet tía tended to forget about tact when she had some gossip. I was chopping up vegetables and my mother was at the stove when my tia sped in with groceries then dropped them onto the floor carelessly. "Alex, put the groceries away," she ordered. As I did what I was told, she stood close to my mom and began speaking to her in Spanish. "¿Adivina qué? Liam llegó para celebrar Acción de Gracias y se trajo a su jeva de la uni."

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