Part 2

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"Morning, you animals!"

Anne squint her eyes open and Henry just woke up as well.

Oliver was standing in front of the bed.


Anne felt so embarrassed and pull the blanket up to her chin to cover her body.

Henry was still adjusting to the sunlight.

"What happened to you?" Henry croaked.

"Drunk off my ass last night, Now get up" Oliver said "We are getting them tires fixed" He grabbed Henry's arm to pull him up.


And so the tires were fixed.

They were back on the road.

As usual, Oliver drives.

He just wants to do something with his hands other than strumming guitars.

So Henry plays the guitar, As usual.

Anne was watching the scenery outside, As usual.

But it's different now.

Anne looked back at Henry who was humming a song as he plays the guitar and she smiled at him.

Just like out a blue clear sky.

Here she comes a walkin', talkin' true love,

Sayin' I been looking for you love,

Surprise your new love has arrived,

Out of the blue clear sky.

And now she knows what Henry's humming to.

Henry looked back at her, gaze soft, smiling, and he winked at her before staring down at the fingers on the guitar to make sure of the chords.


And finally, they made it to Nevada just in time for Lunch.

Oliver parked the car at the first diner he saw.

"Alright! I'm starving!" Oliver exclaimed, last one out of the trailer and locking it afterwards.

Oliver walked ahead and Anne followed suit but Henry grabbed her wrist.

Anne turned around "What?"

"When we get back home, I'm gonna bring you to West Virginia with me" Henry promised.

It wasn't just a promise but a declaration of what this means to them.

Henry's in this for the long haul.

"I'd like that" Anne replied.

Henry smiled then he kissed her.

They almost forgot where they are as the kiss deepened.

Then Anne broke it and dragged Henry with her to the diner.

Anne was grateful Oliver didn't say anything about them.



Anne looked back where Oliver was playing the guitar earlier started to throw a tantrum at the back.

"Fucking sly son of a bitch!"

Henry became concern and pull on the breaks at the side of the street.

He took off his safety belt and went to the back.

"What is it, Ollie?" Henry asked.

"That fucking snake robbed me that's what!" Oliver showed Henry his wallet.

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