04. In My Veins

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"Are you sure you are going?" Ella asked, concerned.

"Of course I am. There's no reason that I'll stay back for aunt's tomfoolrey."

"But Lil! The weather doesn't seem to be good. Don't you see the black clouds? It's probably going to rain heavily today."

I looked through the only window of our room and admitted that Ella is right. The clouds seem to be in a mood to wash away us filthy beings today. There's not one inch of light able to penetrate the thick clouds. The sky seemed so dark.

But even if a whirpool comes my way, I can't miss work for it.

"Don't worry, Ella. I'm going to be fine. It just clouds, not monsters."

"But if you fall sick, aunt wouldn't like that!"

"I am not a little girl Ella, I can take care of myself." I frowned.

"But can't you just persuade your lover about not meeting today?"

Yes, that's what I have said to her for today. Since Ella seems wholeheartedly interested in my love life, it works for her. I of course don't want to lie to her, but what can I do? I can tell her that I am the secretary of the richest man in Britain who has taken me to Egypt and South America and several gunfights. The man whose biggest and only archenemy is Lord Dalghelish, and that he is after me and him, waiting for a chance to spill our blood.

But I didn't wanted to give my little sister a heart attack, therefore I sticked to lying.

"I can't Ella. I have promised him that I am going to come and now if I don't, he will be" my lips twitched, "very displeased."

"Okay, I won't stop you love birds from meeting each other." She sighed, "But take care." Her eyes lightened up, "And do tell me what happened!"

"Um, okay. Now I have to go. Bye, I love you!" I kissed her cheeks.

"Bye Lil! I love you too!"

Climbing down the ladder, with the winds posing an imminent danger of blowing up my skirt and show my unmentionables (why do they say that? After all, I did mention it, right?) I thought what I will tell Ella about today's "lover's meeting".


"Blast! Blast! Blast! Curse you bloody clouds to hell and back!"

Okay, okay it happened. Even after talking so highly of myself not more than 20 minutes ago, I managed to get myself dripping wet.

But it's definitely not my fault that the treacherous clouds decided to piss right at the moment I was out in the street!

"You puffy little windbags! Why did you had to rain your fat little arse when I was out of the shed? Couldn't you just wait for sometime?"

Seemingly, they didn't paid any attention to me.

One of most cheerful things that happens in the London city, is that the moment it starts raining, all the cabs and chaises disappear into a magical mist. I don't know whether they actually disappear into a mist or not, but they indeed do disappear somewhere, so that you can beautifully drown yourself into a buttload of bone- chilling, teeth clattering rain water.

"Bloody hell!"

Walking like dead, I somehow managed to reach the gates of the Empire House and opened it with impressive agility.

Thank God!

Mopingly, I carried myself forward, with all other employees looking at me, definitely amused.

When Storm Meets Silence |A Storm And Silence Fanfiction|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin