06 - Purple Helmet

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It was understandable why Luke was on edge. He was used to things being just the two of us, so he was rattled by the sudden appearance of a sarcastic jerk. And he was probably extra pissed off by the fact that Mom was treating Seth as if he was my new boyfriend, much to my dismay.

But on the other hand, I couldn't understand why Seth was acting so weird. He didn't have any reason to be angry or overprotective. I was almost positive he was just acting like a douche to piss off Luke.

"Where did you say you were from, Seth?" Mom asked. She couldn't stop smiling, which was rare for her nowadays. I wasn't sure if it was because she was genuinely happy that I finally brought home a guy who wasn't Luke or that she was sucked in by those pretty blue eyes and perfect smile.

"Arizona," Seth said, scooping more food onto his plate as he talked. "I miss home, but it's definitely a lot nicer here. The sights are much prettier."

He looked over at me as he said this, and I thought my mom was going to faint from happiness. She was practically swooning at everything Seth said and did. This caused Connor and Luke to roll their eyes simultaneously.

Looking bored and detached as usual, Connor flicked his peas around his plate. Luke saw me frowning at my brother, so he nudged him and tried to strike up a conversation. His attempt wasn't very successful, but I still appreciated it. Luke always seemed to know what I needed, even if I didn't say anything

After dinner, it was like a race between Seth and Luke to see who could clear the table and fill the dishwasher faster. Connor disappeared before I could even talk to him and Mom went to her room to shower.

And then I was stuck with the two head-butting alpha males.

They were like striking opposites, I realized, now that I was seeing them side-by-side. There was Luke, who I've known all my life, with his light hair and more cheeriness in his pinky than the whole pep squad. Then there was dark-haired and derisive Seth, who I barely just met, but has shared with me one of the most terrorizing experiences of my life.

I folded my arms over my chest. "What the hell is wrong with you two?"

Luke smiled at me. "I wasn't aware anything was wrong."

"It must be nice to be so blissfully ignorant."

I sighed. "Seth, was that necess—"

"I'll show you who's blissfully ignorant," Luke said through clenched teeth. He lunged at Seth, and I had to grab Luke's arm in both of mine to hold him in place. It was unusual for him to be this worked up.

Seth was already reaching for his extending baton. Visions of him beating Luke's head in with it flashed in my mind. I gave him a look. Don't even think about it.

He replied with one that said you are absolutely no fun.

"Seth, can we talk tomorrow?" I asked. "Please?"

Luke seemed to calm down as I said that. "I'll wait for you in your room." He disappeared down the hallway only after throwing Seth one last glare.

"Let's go," I said, pointing in the direction of the front door.

"Your friend is just full of pent up frustration, isn't he?" Seth remarked, as I walked him out to his motorcycle.

It was dark out. The night was filled with the sounds of wind rustling through leaves and chirps of crickets in the distance. 

"He's not normally like this. You must be really detestable if Luke doesn't like you. He's the most easygoing guy on earth."

"Ouch. Detestable."

The Dream Crashers ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang