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I don't even feel like reading this over so hopefully it's not too bad lol. Sorry it's been awhile and I know that a lot of you want a part 2 to the last one but I wanted to get this request from _afraidstyles7 done first <3

ALSO go vote for harry I want him to win:


"You're fucking cheating!" Tami gasped and watched with narrowed eyes as Harry laid down yet another double-score word. She should have known from the moment he suggested they play Scrabble that he would beat her by a landslide, but that didn't stop her frustration from bubbling over.

"I'm not," Harry laughed and put down the last letter in the word yacht. "It's not my fault you're awful at this game. You lose every time."

He tried to keep from grinning, teeth grazing the inside of his cheek from the sight of his annoyed girlfriend. He couldn't say that this hadn't been his intention from the start- as much as he loved winning, he loved watching her face pucker in vexation and those dimples form in her forehead even more.

"Fuck you," Tami spat. Amusement gleamed in her eyes and contradicted her harsh words, only making Harry's smile widen. He shook his head, shuffling a hand through his short curls, before scooting closer to where she sat on the floor of his living room with her legs crossed. His hand cupped her thigh and he leaned in to give a quick but lingering kiss to her temple that had her face visibly softening.

"Let me help you," he whispered and smirked. He glanced down at her tiles of letters and furrowed his eyebrows. "Let's see... what word can we make.."

Tami couldn't help but let her frustration melt away as she watched him pinch his bottom lip in thought, rolling the pink skin between his thumb and forefinger. She didn't really care about the stupid game, not when she was getting to spend some much needed time with her boyfriend after not seeing him for the past week. If losing to him at Scrabble meant that they could finally live in the same city together, then Tami figured she would gladly let him take all of the double-score spaces.

The whole long distance thing was just as hard as people made it out to be. They went to different schools, with Tami attending a university in Manchester for her history degree, and Harry going to a private school in London to study music. Even though the distance had gotten between them at first, causing them to split a few times for a few days at the most, they were getting by much better lately. They took turns taking the four hour drive to visit each other on the weekends, and did their best to squeeze in a few phone calls and Skype sessions during the week when they weren't too busy studying or finishing a ten-page paper. Sometimes it was impossible not to want more; Tami would wake up in the middle of the night and reach an arm over in search for a warm body, only to be met with the cold sheets instead.

It would have to be enough for now, though. Harry would be graduating in the fall and hopefully then they could move in together; until then, Tami would just have to settle for seeing him once a week.

"Ah," her boyfriend grinned suddenly and pointed his finger to the tiles on the board. "Look. You can make the word pillow. No double score for it but at least you're using that w you've got."

Tami blinked. "Thanks, Scrabble master," she mumbled, rolling her eyes at his smug face.

"You're welcome, baby," Harry hummed. He watched her put the tiles down and then snuck an arm around her waist, tugging her closer to his torso while wearing a coy smirk. A breath fanned over her cheek as he let his lips lower to the shell of her ear and whispered, "I quite like the sound of that."

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