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As soon as Taehyung walked out of that house, he collapsed onto the ground, trying to catch his breath. (Name) ran out of her car and to his side, trying her best to calm him down; she was at a loss for what to do, so, what she did was kiss him, and he immediately started to calm down. He started to succumb to her.

Soon they pulled apart, he stared at her with wide eyes, not knowing what to do. He grabbed her hand and they took off to her car. They both sat there, not moving, no one speaking.

That is until Taehyung broke the silence, "So...That happened" was all the he said. She sighed and started the car. When (Name) wasn't looking, Taehyung took her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. She was surprised at first but let it happen anyway.


When they pulled up to the dormitories, they were greeted by the other members.

"How did it go? Did you end things?" These types of questions were what he was asked as soon as he opened the car door.

He smiled at his friends, a smile they hadn't seen in a long while. One that shone even brighter than when he was dancing with them the other day. "I'll explain once we get inside" was all he replied with.

Upon entering the practice room, the stampede of questions flooded him. "It'll be easier if I just tell you the whole thing from the beginning so I don't have to answer all this." He began to tell his story, no commercial interruption.   After he finished, he answered a few question like a q&a section of the show.

"So, now what?" Jungkook asked.

"I go down to the court house to get the papers, have her sign them and get everything finalized and that'll be all. I'll be done with Ha Ra." He beamed, still holding (Name)'s hand.

"So then, what is this? What's going on here?" Jin asked, gesturing to the two. Taehyung and (Name) immediately let go of one another.

"Can't friends hold hands?" He replied, grinning sheepishly. She just blushed in rebuttal. She wasn't going to say anything. She would only make matters worse, making a big mess; embarrassing Taehyung to a further extent than she just had was a must not.

Nobody said anything further on the subject. "Well, I'll be seeing you all then," (Name) said, standing up, heading for the door, waving goodbye to the others as she left.

"So where are you staying tonight?" Yoongi asked the younger.

"I dunno, I was kind of hoping to stay here," he said sheepishly. Which of course like any good group of friends would do, they let him.


"So, you and (Name), huh?" Namjoon  teased his new roommate. He smirked as he got settled into his bed, seeing how he made the younger blush a bright shade of red.

"Wh-What are you talking about? We're just...friends, if anything at all," Taehyung responded, getting settled into his blankets on the wooden floor.

"You were holding her hand in a romantic way, Tae. I don't think you all are just friends. There's gotta be a little more. Either you like her or she likes you. Something. Either way, you kids like each other," the older said, closing his eyes and drifting off to dreamland.

"There isn't anything..." Is there? he thought before closing his heavy eyes and drifting off as well.

Issues • Kim Taehyung x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora