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Nameless people hide behind usernames, masking their faces, masking their names, pretending to be someone else for a little while.

Just for a moment, when life gets to be too much.

And for some, that becomes a home. The online world filled with clamoring voices, overlapping words, masked people who seem more real than the ones of flesh and blood.

Nothing needs to be real here, and yet everything is, one way or another.

You know that.

Because people are people, masked or not, and most are kind. Most understand, extending their hands out, offering support and kindness.

They are just a conglomeration of words you read in your inbox, a bunch of sentences, but they can mean the world.

And they are human, so, so human, and words on a screen form voices in your head that whisper nasty things. Humans aren't perfect. People aren't always right. And sometimes a hit-and-run driver tries to crash through your reputation and leaves you to pick up the pieces.

But that's not everyone, and sometimes, if you try hard enough, you can see through the words and find a person, and the person behind that mask isn't always pretty inside.

It's easier to see personality without a face sometimes.

And even the worst of hit-and-run writers can't tear you apart, because you know you are loved, and one voice among thousands can't be the voice of judgement.


A/N: (I haven't done an a/n like this, but I feel like I should this time). This is for @Vapid_Ink who is amazing and wonderful and deserves so much more. (Sorry it's so short!) 

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