Chapter 8 Sacred Chamber

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“…you want go where?” asked Hidan as he stared at Dr Raze in disbelief with his arms crossed on his chest in a temper behaviour. Dr Raze has finally found the location of the 8th spirit but it’s in a dangerous place that is crawling with Ukrahs in every dark corner. It was now a forbidden place for anyone to venture unless they’re suicidal. Hidan knows that Dr Raze is a genius but he would have to be an idiot if he was thinking of going there unless he wants to be killed.

Dr Raze repeated his words to him “Please Hidan, I just need you to bring us to the Sacred Chamber.”

Hidan narrowed his eyes at him and his jaw tightened with his muscles going tense. He would have to imagine the punching bag back in the game as Dr Raze afterwards, if he’ll survive through this. Thanerah was leaning against the table while looking between the two as they argued in Dr Raze’s office. She was working until Dr Raze suddenly summoned Hidan for this conversation.

Thunder was eating some fresh rabbit while lying on the metal ground by Thanerah’s feet. Thanerah reached her hand down to pet his head as she always do whenever he’s reachable; and it’s a habit. Thunder didn’t seem to mind at all because he purred from her contact like a cat. Thanerah smiled down at him and petted him some more.

Hidan growled at him “Can’t we find another f**king compatible spirit somewhere else? Going to the f**king Sacred Chamber is suicidal! There’s nothing there but rubbles, skeletons and – let’s not f**king forget! – bloody f**kin’ army of Ukrahs! Are you insane, doc!?”

“I know this is mad, but we might not get another opportunity like this ever again. Pierce is trying to shut us down as we speak. If we ignored this chance, the Council will reconsider to give Pierce the permission to fire the Zeus Cannon. And it could be a disaster when that happens.”

Hidan tapped his finger on his arm as he was in deep thought. He hate to argue with Dr Raze but there were times when the old geezer knew where to put the needle in your skin to accept whatever he had to offer. It was annoying but it was also safe guarding the world from destruction. Hidan had been going through countless wars in the past and he lost so many good men and woman. He nearly knew most of them for almost a century, now there were only few of them from his time. But new recruits come in nearly every day, but the Natoku are smart and have smart systems to hack into their own.

The Natoku are aiming at the Council because they control the Order, and Jashinists are one of their protectors as alliances. Their system has many traps and safe walls to prevent as much as possible from people hacking through them, but the walls will soon have to break if they waited any longer. It may have explained how they were hidden for so long, blocking their destination through deleting themselves from the world program to avoid being found.

Worst of all, Hidan’s little brother is with them. Hidan still couldn’t believe that his lost little brother was alive after all but he was furious with him threatening Thanerah.

“Hidan!” shouted Dr Raze as Hidan was dazing off into space. Hidan snapped out of his thoughts and returned to reality.

He shook his head a bit to clear his mind and he asked Dr Raze “Wh-What?”

 Dr Raze looked at him crossly and scolded “You were ignoring me again, weren’t you!?”

“Um…I just dozed off a bit. Nothing big.” He shoved his hands in his pant pockets “Now…what the f**k were we talking about?”

Dr Raze sighed heavily in disappointment and he repeated of what he said earlier “I was begging you to accept to bring us to the Sacred Chamber!”

Once Hidan remembered what they were talking about, he was back in his bitchy-mode “And I will say this again! It’s too f**king dangerous! You can’t go there! You’re too precious to the Council!”

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