Chapter Six - The Because I Say So Argument *Annabeth* Part I

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A/N:  Anyone else just notice the little "<B Heart" button next to the cover picture. It's for some sort of site that let's you share things you like. Must investigate.


- The Because I Say So Argument-

Part I


“You should really buy a new car,” I said to Jimmy as we bounced along the tiny access road. The suspension - or whatever it was that made cars run smooth- in this truck sucked. I betted the car was almost as old as Jimmy. It was, like, from the 70’s or something. “This one is about ready for car heaven.”

“I suppose,” Jimmy reluctantly agreed.

We drove on in silence for a while. I was picking at my nails. One of the really annoying things about being a shifter was that when you painted your nails as soon as you shifted the polish got cracked and started to fall off. Okay maybe that wasn’t a really big problem but at this moment it seemed like a good problem to focus on so I wouldn’t think of what had happened half an hour earlier. It however didn’t work to distract me for very long.  

“He’s not a bad person,” I said after we’d driven a few miles in the dark. Since we were so off any kind of public road it was pitch black outside – only the snow and the car’s headlights letting us make out anything but blackness.

“I don’t think he’d be with you playing tonsil hockey with him and all,“ Jimmy said, looking amused.

“You saw that huh?” I said and forced myself not to blush. I shouldn’t feel embarrassed about kissing a guy. In fact Jimmy should be the one who was embarrassed, he was the one who had done the spying.

“We all did. That’s why Don suddenly thought going in hot…” Going in hot I was fairly certain was military for waving guns around or something. ”…was a good idea. He wanted to make sure nothing bad happened to you, didn’t want you to keep on doing anything with a werewolf.”

“You should have said not to go in. He’d have listened to you,” I said.

Jimmy smiled at me.“He don’t listen to me. Which you should be glad for.”

“Glad?” that wasn’t the word I would have used.

”I told him to bring silver bullets,” Jimmy said, tapping the wheel and speeding up some. “He didn’t listen to that, now did he?“

“Silver bullets?” The car bounced some and I banged my elbow on the door, which made me wince. “Like in the stories?”

He frowned but nodded.”Take it the werewolf didn’t tell you that silver is the only thing that can really hurt one of his kind?”

I shook my head. “It’s not like I go around asking people what kind of metal is best to kill them with.” I glared over at Jimmy. “Why would you tell Don to bring bullets that could kill Ryan? You don’t even know him-.”

“And you do little miss? You’ve been playing house with him what? A week?” Jimmy snorted. “I’ve known a few werewolves in my day, most of them I’ve wanted to or have had to kill. The rest of them have been begging me to kill them. Being a werewolf is hunger. Hunger for the kill.”

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