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ONE | i was feeling a
little sad 2day, thank
you for saving me

the tragedy of han uma had occurred one shitty evening at the beach. after a day's gone horrible, she was sat amongst the sun kissed sand in a dark blue one piece; watching the day slowly drown into the ocean. the stars anticipated it as the sky vomited sunset and coughed the moon out of it's lungs. it was the sun's turn to watch the moon live now, and uma was the first to witness it.

the beach was somewhat her only escape from the exhaustion of reality. it wasn't exactly the ideal; but it was solace to hear the idyllic choirs of the waves and solace to have them wash your problems away (don't drown along with them). it'd be sent to a new world, uma thought, and they'd read her sorrows.

the once gold clouds slowly smeared into a gloomy symphony and it had started to sprinkle. uma sighs as she feels the rain drops trickle down her open back. she sat and listened for awhile before she stood up, disliking the feeling of the wet sand swallowing her whole.

and maybe it would've been good to cry that time, but uma was too angry to even try. too angry as she walked and too angry as she tripped on a stupid rock and too angry as she winced when she stood up.

uma had always been a little clumsy like this. a little out of time and out of place and always a little grumpy and messy. she was a little of a crybaby, too, even if she never liked to admit it. she was a little of everything and it was hard to cope with her understanding a lot of times-but you couldn't blame her. she'd only wish for everything to go her way and yet luck went through the other.

uma was just waiting until a big gust of wind would finally come to sweep her off of reality-yet she was already seventeen and she'd expected for it earlier. uma had blamed it on the black cat that kept entering through her open window.

and maybe it had been fate riding along one of those stray winds-or just that he needed to run an errand at the city-but a rather exhausted man walked from the other corner, his eyes widening at uma's drenched and rather revealing figure. the boy ran to her, a concerned expression in his face. "hey, a-are you okay?" he asked, which, of course, was an obvious and stupid thing to ask at the moment. he'd realized it, too.

"i mean-" he shook his head, taking her hand in his. "let's get you to a shelter." uma should've probably told him that she had no problem walking through the sun down (she was in a one piece, anyway). should've even slapped his hand away and ran the other direction, too. but she'd probably been so stripped of her care to even do so, though that wasn't a really smart reason to put up with.

by the time uma's feet ached of the too many times her sandals failed to hang on to her every time she took a step, they stopped in front of a little old building. it was red and paint scraped off from the walls-even the windows were just a blur of dust. a rather fat looking cat stood just by the entrance, as well; cozied by the amount of plants where shelter loomed above. uma had questioned her situation at that point. she felt even more hesitant when the boy jumbled the rusted knob open.

the boy had noticed it as he softens his grip on her. "i just want to help, truly. i swear i won't do anything." and when the cat went through the open gap, she felt a little more assured to take his trust.

with a deep breath and a pacing heart, uma took a step in and suddenly found herself in a fairytale. as the tick of the grandfather clock loudened every second, so did her heart.

what was the word?-entrance? surprised? devoured? surely, luna thought, it was devoured. devoured by the feeling of awe and the sense familiarity. like she's belonged there-like she's always been there.

"this is my grandpa's antique shop. he's not here at this moment, but i'm sure he'd be fine with it," the boy said, shutting the door behind him. the building had aged obviously and there were leaks from the crack of the ceilings, but uma found it somehow and somewhat more enchanting like that.

and as uma could only gaze in awe, she'd thought maybe it was fate finally giving her acknowledgment. that maybe this was a prologue of her life (she'd believe that everything before that never mattered, anyway). and whatever it was-whether it be luck, destiny, or just that the black cat wasn't present at the moment-she'd been flying all this time to arrive at the very destination.

END | i was feeling a
little sad 2day, thank
you for saving me

/ please forgive the shitty and rushed ending

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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