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The next week went by slowly. The doctor came to check up on me, nurses constantly darted in and out, and I got a few visits from the royals.

Sapphire came a lot, but she didn't stay long. We didn't have much in common, it seemed, and there was only so much we could talk about without me actually talking.

Tristan and Triton showed up twice, wanting to see how I was doing while also telling me some more stories about growing up with Dante. I really enjoyed listening to all the pranks they've pulled on Dante.

Dante visited every day night before I went to bed. Most of the time was spent in silence, but I liked the silence. As much as I hated to admit it, I liked spending time with Dante. He also brought me more books every night, which was the only thing keeping me busy when I was alone.

I had only four more days until my two weeks of bedrest were over, but the doctor kept reminding me that that could change. I wrote down for him that if I stayed in here any longer I would go insane. He rolled his eyes and ignored me.

I had a feeling I would spend more than two weeks on bedrest this time, but the snow had started falling a lot more these past few days, and all I wanted to do was go outside and experience it. It had been so long since I felt snow.

Currently, I was laying in bed, watching the snow fall outside the window with envy. I had finished all the books pretty quickly, and now I ran out of things to do. The television in the corner taunted me, but I hated television with a passion, and there was no way I'd turn it on.

My phone buzzed, and I immediately checked it, thinking it was Dante. It was just some stupid notification about a game I downloaded. I put my phone back down with a huff.

Two knocks came at the door, which meant the doctor was coming to do his daily checkup. How fun.

Doctor Millard entered, the usual scowl plastered on his face. Although he didn't have the disdain he used to have for me, seeing me didn't exactly bring a smile to his face, either. He clicked his pen and checked something on the sheet.

"I'm surprised you've made it this long without hurting yourself again." He commented, and then he made me sit up so he could see my wounds.

I simply rolled my eyes at his comment and did what he asked. He poked and prodded at my wound, which still hurt more than I've been admitting to him.

He checked more things down on his clipboard, asked me more questions about my injuries, and felt my wounds.

"Your face burns are looking better, but your back is a wreck, Princess."

He changed my bandages and let my shirt fall back down over them. "I'm going to be honest with you, princess. Your back should be better by now. Not completely healed, obviously, but much better." His eyebrows furrowed, and his pen flew across his papers.

I slumped back down into my mass of pillows and got ready to hear about another week of bedrest. It was still mid December, but it was feeling like I wouldn't get out of here until after Christmas.

"I'll be right back, Princess."

I raised an eyebrow, but then shrugged. I didn't understand most of what the doctor did, and this was no different.

The snow caught my attention again. It had been snowing consistently for a while now, and I could see the ground covered in a white, sparkly sheen from my spot on the bed. I loved the snow. It meant winter, and Christmas, as well as my birthday. Although Christmas and my birthday meant almost nothing to me now, the prospect of winter excited me.

If I could only get out of this goddess forsaken room, I'd get to actually go outside. My head slumped back into my pillow and I stared up at the ceiling. A grungy basement was all I saw the inside of for eleven years, and all I saw now was this stupid room. I was well past ready to get out.

The Luna CureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon