Chapter 12: Secret Relationships Got Me Like No, No, No

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*Dedicated to @littlelolawrites for being a great Wattpad & Twitter bud and always being willing to give advice and support.

I had stared at that note for what seemed like forever. His bold block print; his simple request. My heart wanted to be there, but my stubbornness kept me firmly planted in my room. I had undeniable feelings for Damian Reever, the so-called Satan's Spawn of Anthabask, in Lizbeth's own words, but after the stunt he pulled in the dining hall, I needed to either take a step back or let him know I wasn't happy. I looked at the clock on my phone, which told me that it was currently 9:58PM. That answered every question about whether I intended to go see him or not.

I smashed the pillow up over my face and decided to stop my current pity party, table of one, complete with a wine and cheese plate and do something. Lizbeth had come by the room for a few minutes after my fake tutoring meeting with Paxton and we had talked out the events that happened in the dining hall.

I understood her position, when you lived your life being told that someone was out for you, you developed certain feelings that couldn't just be changed. Pictures that were painted of people stuck with you. I was wrestling with my own painted creations about people in my life, desperately trying to change those opinions. I didn't let on to Lizbeth the kind of pull that Damian had on me, but I did get her to agree not to cause any scenes if she encountered us studying.

Earlier, around 7:30PM, there had been a knock at the door and when I opened it, I met Liam and with that meeting a whole new painted picture of Lizbeth Wyndham was created. Liam had spiky blonde hair, which swept somewhat forward on his head, and a really beautiful pair of deep hazel eyes. He had the start of a stubbly goatee, was around five feet, ten inches tall, with a chiseled jawline and an undeniably hot muscular body. While he stood waiting for Lizbeth, I noticed he had a slight head and shoulder tic. 

Lizbeth had a picture of her and a guy on her dresser; she was piggyback on him and they were walking on these really large boulders at the ocean. Meeting Liam, I could now put a real-world face to the boy in the picture.

Liam lived in the center of town, so his relationship with Lizbeth had to be kept a secret from her dad; because he was considered common folk where Killian was concerned. His mom worked at the local market and his dad was a janitor at Anthabask Academy. He was a senior at the high school in Willowsburogh, which was the next town over. On Monday nights, when he didn't have basketball practice, he would drive up to Anthabask in his beat-up Chevy Silverado truck and take Lizbeth to the next town over for a movie and dinner. 

I could tell when Lizbeth looked at him that she was in love, but that love couldn't be told to just anyone. Lizbeth had told me about Liam before his arrival. She told me about how they met at a party and how his smile instantly attracted her to him. He had a transient tic disorder, which made her protectiveness of him where her family was concerned, even more apparent. Killian didn't like his daughter associating with the common, let alone someone with an imperfection. Perfection was favored in Killian's eyes and Liam wasn't perfect; except he was to Lizbeth. They had been together almost three years and had kept their relationship secret from most people around.

"Talia, I usually don't come home on Monday nights, so I'll see you tomorrow at lunch. If my dad calls, tell him I'm in the library."

"Have fun, Lizbeth. Liam, it was really nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too Talia, I've heard a lot of really great things about you and thanks for watching out for my girl." He jerked his head slightly to the side while displaying a really large smile on his face, before clearing his throat several times in succession. He wrapped his arm around the back of Lizbeth and placed his palm on the small of her back, as they left the room.

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