Chapter Eleven

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Brianna had no way of knowing the time or how long she'd been laying there.  Her crying had eventually subsided into whimpering as the direness of her situation sunk in.   She must have been drugged by him, but how had he gotten in her home.  Her skin crawled with disgust, knowing he had been in her home while she was sleeping.   Her wrists and ankles burned from the rubbing of the rope in her attempts to loosen the restraints.  

Time seemed to stretch out into an eternity in the eerie quiet.  There was no noise save the occasional sniffle she omitted.   How long had she been here?  With no window to gauge the daylight or a clock she was helpless in all ways.   Her senses had effectively been reduced to what her captor wanted her to experience.   She fought down a wave of nausea and revulsion.  How could she have been so stupid.   He clearly was a master manipulator, and she had fallen right into his trap.

Now, she thought, the only thing she could do was figure out a way to escape.  There HAD to be a way, she thought frantically...she couldn't possibly accept this situation.   She dreaded to think what he wanted of her, but so far she'd been left completely, utterly alone.  At least her eyes had accustomed somewhat to the dim room.  What she first took to be utter blackness were walls painted a slate gray, the table and small chair in the corner were painted black, the shade on the lamp was black.   Even the bedding was dark gray.    She couldn't see anyway from where she was to escape.   For the first time she noticed two doors, on each end of the boxlike room.   

One had to lead to the outdoor, somehow.  Sighing she shook her head as tears leaked out.  There wasn't much chance she could do anything now, trussed up in this way.   She tried not to think of the visit to the ocean home with Gareth, but now she could think of nothing else.  Everything in that home had glistened with light, in spite of the cloudy, gloomy day.   Now she knew why he looked so out of place there; he hadn't been buying it at all, had he?  Just another trick to lure her in.   

She swallowed hard, throat scorching with thirst.  It was at that moment she heard footsteps outside, growing closer.   If she'd been afraid before she was now terrified beyond all thinking as a series of beeps emitted from the door farthest from her and he stepped into the room....

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