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how you meet

A Stark sibling.
You were the eldest of the Starks, older than Jon too, and you came to King's Landing with your father and two sisters. You had first met Tyrion in the throne room when you were admiring the Iron Throne. You had heard stories of it and finally wanted to see it for yourself. Tyrion had silently entered the room and stood next to you as you were lost in thoughts of who had previously been sat there, and who would be in the years to come. After sometime, the two of you began to talk and your negative thoughts about him soon turned to positive ones.

A prisoner.
You had been a prisoner, just like Jaime, and were captured by Robb and his men. You were a nurse for the Lannister army, but had never spoken to Jaime before. You saw him attempting an escape and forced him to take you with him, threatening to tell a guard that he had escaped. He argued with you, saying that you would just slow him down. But eventually, with a lot of threats and swearing, he let you free and you ran off into the forest.

A Tyrell sibling.
You came to King's Landing along with your brother, sister, and grandmother as Margaery was betrothed to King Joffery. One day, you were having tea with your sister and Sansa when Cersei asked to join you. Sansa looked uncomfortable, but Margaery happily agreed. You knew of your older sister's intentions and didn't want to give them away. So you smiled too and spoke clearly and confidently, just like Margaery. You weren't sure if Cersei liked you, but you were beginning to admire her.

A maid.
You were one of Khaleesi's maids whilst she was married to Khal Drogo. You felt sorry for her, as she always looked confused, upset, or scared. So one night, you went to where she was sleeping and stayed up all night with her, teaching her Dothraki. She picked the basics up quickly, and she started to look more comfortable around you. You spent most of your time with her, fetching things she needed, teaching her Dothraki, or just being there as a friend.

A Greyjoy sibling.
You went to Winterfell with your older brother, Theon. Whilst there, you became friends with Sansa, Arya, and Bran. You spoke to Robb a few times which was simple enough, but when you spoke to Jon, it was awkward and short-lived. When the direwolf pups were brought home, you helped Jon care for Ghost, as he was the runt of the litter. You felt that it was easier talking to Jon if you were telling him what to do, so from that you spiked a conversation. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, but friendly and funny.

A maid.
You had been a maid for Sansa Stark for as long as you could remember, so you were best friends with her. You thought the two of you were as close as you could get, but after going to King's Landing, you learnt that Sansa needed you in different ways. Not for folding her clothes, or bringing her tea, but for emotional comfort when Joffery was cruel to her. After that, you felt even more close to her, which you thought would never be possible.

Daughter of a maid.
Your mother was Catelyn Stark's maid and you were the same age as her daughter, Arya. The two of you were almost alike, the only difference being that you were allowed to do theoretically whatever you wanted, whilst Arya had to practice sewing or singing. Whenever she didn't want to go to any of her lessons, the two of you went out into the forest and you would teach her to shoot an arrow from a bow. Other times, you would play hide and seek around Winterfell, Jon joining in more than a boy his age should've.

A Targaryen sibling.
You were Daenery's younger sibling and were banished across the Narrow Sea with her. You met Missandei with Daenerys and she asked you about your sister's dragons. This provoked a conversation about your travels and the people you had met along with the way, something Missandei was very interested in.

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