31 . Good news and Bad News

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Good news and Bad News

Ionora's POV :

The both of us found our way back to the kitchen after our little kiss session and to say that we got funny and suggestive looks was an understatement. But I couldn't blame anyone since we both looked red in the face, out of breath and had swollen lips. But there was one person in the room who looked pissed. My brother Ian.

"What were you both doing in the room all alone? Did this asshole force you into anything, Nora?" He asked with a pissed off face. I shook my head at his idiocy.

"Do you think I would let him do anything I wouldn't like, Ian?" I shot back at him. His over protectiveness was adorable and heartwarming but I had managed to live this long without anyone. And the fact that he thought I was weak enough to give myself to Zayden this soon annoyed me.

"No no. It's just him that I don't trust. Not you." He replied, raising his arms to placate me.

"Great answer." I reply, glaring at him. Zayden only smirked at him while Ian glared back. Boys.

"So I'm guessing you both have gotten over your differences?" Zyrah comes forward, looking at us with a twinkle in her eyes.

"No." We both reply at the same time. And I'm sure you would've guessed who replied in the affirmative.

"Woah there buddy. You still have a long way to go before I willingly touch you."


"B-but nothing. You fucked up man. You need to go through hell if you want to be seen with my sister again." Ian mocks Zayden. Liane and I both roll our eyes.

"I didn't know I needed a translator." I tell Ian sarcastically. He only smiles sheepishly while Vivian slaps him on the side of his head.

"She has been living alone all these years, idiot. She can obviously take care of herself. So mind your own business and let them deal with their problems on their own." She tells him and he pouts looking at me as if sorry. I roll my eyes and smile at him to show him I wasn't mad.

"Now, you need to tell us about the epic fight between you and you know who. You have no idea how sad we were that we missed it." My idiotic brother tells me.

"Gee, nice to know that you wanted to watch me fight a demon this bad."

"Ionora. Don't call your father a Demon." Marrise admonishes me and then adds with a sly smirk, "He's much worse."

"Yeah. Demons can be exorcized. I doubt we can destroy Jordan that easily." Ian chips in with a frown. I internally smiled at the fact that I wasn't the only one who refused to call Jordan 'dad' anymore.

"Do you remember what happened before you blacked out?"

"I wish I did. All I remember is feeling like something was taking over my body and the next thing I know, I'm waking up here." I tell them, rubbing my forehead to ease the incoming headache. The last thing I remembered was Liane screaming at me to protect her mate and then my mind went blank.

Ian and Vivian frown while Marrise looked deep in thought. Zayden walked and stood next to me and put his hand on my hip. I let it happen because I was too drained to fight him.

"So the crazy things you told about me were true, huh? I've always wanted to be possessed." I tell them, half jokingly.

"Yes, they were all true. But you weren't possessed. It was something else all together." My aunt informs me with an odd look on her face.

"What is it? " I ask, dreading at the thought of more bad news.

"I think your witch side just resurfaced for the first time ever."

"You're kidding me right?" I shriek, slapping my forehead in frustration. I did not need this right now. First an unhappy mate then a psycho father and now a completely different side of me? Yeah. I was this close to going insane.

"Unfortunately, I am not. I guess meeting your mate and discovering your true parentage sped up the witch side taking over you. The barrier outside the shack only allowed witches and half-bloods and it allowed you. So it's obvious that by then, you had already regained the other half of your blood. Ask these years you relied on your wolf form and hence, the witch in you was suppressed but now, it has resurfaced again." She tells us. Zayden had inched closer and closer and now he practically held me as if I was about to drop anytime. And it would've been nice to blackout for some time to process this piece of information.

But I felt there was more and so I asked her to tell me everything.

"Well, I have two bad news and one good news. Which one do you want first?"

"The bad ones?" I reply anxiously.

"I had a feeling you would say that. So since you used your magic in front of your father, he obviously knows now for sure that you are a half-blood and this, he would be working harder to get to you at all cost. This means that he would go to any length to get you, even hurting people you love." She stops at the word 'love' and looks at me and then Zayden.

I see Zayden staring at me from the corner of my eyes while I only blush and avoid his gaze.

Love? Yeah right. I need to like him first.

If I was a person standing next to you, I would punch you do fucking hard.
Liane shouts in my mind.

If you were a person standing next to me, you wouldn't hear my thoughts in the first place.
I sass back.

You know what? One day you are going to look back at this moment and go, "I have loved him all along. From the first time I saw him." And when that happens, I'm going to say , "I told you so."
She says and retreats to the back of my mind.

"Sure, baby wolf."
I reply, laughing a little. See what I mean when I say she's crazy?

"What's the other bad news?" I ask Marrise, and by the darkening of her face, I knew I was screwed.

"Since he knows for sure that you are the half-blood, he has already started the ritual. This means that he will have to complete the sacrifice by next full moon. That is in 25 days."

Have I said this before? Well, let me say it again, fuck my life.


I know how Ionora feels. I go 'FML' almost everyday these days.

Please do vote and comment if you still like me a bit. If you don't, that's okay too.

Until next time folks.


Edited - 15/01/2019

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