idk how to call this but we'll deal

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Summer holidays had started and Sam was ready to leave. She hoped this time being away from it all would make a difference. A much needed difference. This year hadn't been as bad as it could have, at least she tried to convince herself so, because in fact not much had happened. But she still managed to have the worst time at school. She always did, and it was only now that she realized maybe it was her own fault, and that not dealing with it was probably what made this year so much worse. 

Her bags were ready, they had been for weeks. It wasn't that she had been longing this trip so much; it was after all the same thing she did every single year, but for some reason she couldn't stand not having things done in advance. 

Sam's parents had been divorced for years, and it was now a tradition that she spent summer with her father, away from it all. At first she despised having to leave everything and everyone behind, but for some odd reason this time she didn't care. Not that she cared about much anymore. Indifference was a good word to describe her state of mind, and although it was not such a pleasant feeling, she just couldn't manage to make it leave. She hoped maybe this trip would help.

The house was empty, and her mother gave no signs of caring enough to stop working and say goodbye to her. So Sam made sure she had everything with her and decided to leave. If she didn't care enough to see her one last time before she left for three months, then Sam would certainly not  bother either. 

It was unbearably hot outside, and she started to grow impatient as no cars seemed to appear near her house. Her father had told her his friend George would take her to the airport. Sam quite honestly didn't know why her father would ask him for that, considering the fact that she was almost sure she didn't even know the guy. She reckoned his father didn't really think too much about those things. Still, Sam figured it was the only way she would get to the airport, and she definitely didn't plan on staying there the whole summer. Little cold drops of sweat started to slowly drip from her forehead, she tied her curly red hair into a vague attempt of a bun and she started to tap her left foot, as she always did when she got nervous. 

George appeared about half an hour late, and although Sam was indeed as mad as she'd been in a while, she figured it was probably best if she didn't make a big deal out of this. Because this man had absolutely no kind of relation to her, and as unlikely as it seemed at this point, he could leave her behind if he felt like it; especially if she irritated him. She decided she would just stay quiet as much as possible, and she did as she got in the car without emitting the slightest sound. George could feel the tension in the air as this random girl his father asked him to pick up got in the car. This was gonna be a long ride.

The silence was so prominent that Sam could hear the sound of the wheels on the highway, complimented by George's heavy breaths, that continuously left his mouth and made his wavy beard flow a bit.  She could sense he wanted to break the silence, but he didn't know quite what to say. She sighed, exasperated, he was definitely not gonna say something before she did. She tried to sound polite "Would you... umm... turn on the stereo?" Definitely not the best thing she could have said, but at least she said something.

"Sure,  yeah" He moved his fingers clumsily as he struggled to find the On button. Sam, who found his mannerisms rather amusing, giggled a bit, grabbing his attention. "What's so funny?" he smiled, only to receive an awkward "Nothing" as a reply. "So... you and Steve are related, right?"

"Yes." Sam snorted "He's my dad..."

"Oh... right! He told me." He laughed nervously "Forgive my memory, I forgot he was..." He trailed off, leaving Sam even more confused. This man was indeed an interesting being.

"He was...?" She asked after some long seconds of silence, very much confused since apparently he refused to even reveal if it was something worth worrying about. He seemed uncomfortable now, and again, he seemed in no rush to speak. Sam figured perhaps she shouldn't insist, and proceeded to stare at the monotonous landscape outside, struggling to find something slightly interesting to focus her sight on. Not even a sad bird. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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