Chapter 10: Rescuing the Company

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Gone? They left without Gandalf and me. Not too long after, Elrond asked Lindir to escort Saruman to the gates of Rivendell. Once he left, Galadriel turned towards me with a smile.

"Now can you recite the prophecy?" She asked, an eager look on her face.

I nodded before reciting the prophecy. "Upon the day two distant lands collide, a warrior will arise above all. Allies and enemies alike will be made, should the chosen one be marked as an enemy then all hope shall be lost."

Galadriel's eyes widened as she looked at me. "She is the one...which means you are right, Mithrandir."

"What does that exactly mean for me?" I asked.

"It means there's war among us." Gandalf confirmed.

"War?" I repeated.

"It can't be..." Galadriel whispered. "You shouldn't have come yet, but if you are here then it is meant to be. Go with Gandalf and accompany the others. Good luck, Queen Aurelia, the chosen one."

"Thank you, Lady Galadriel. Farewell, I hope we meet again."

She wore a mysterious smile. "We will. You'll see."

I wore a confused look, but nevertheless I left to gather my things while Gandalf said his final farewells to Galadriel. We soon left Rivendell and made our way towards the Misty Mountains.

Once we grew weary after days of traveling without rest, we finally rested. I made a fire as we gathered around it. I released a sigh. "I can't believe they left without us."

Gandalf wore an amused smile. "Oh I knew they would."

My jaw dropped. "And you didn't think to stop them or at least tell them to wait for us."

"Forgive them, Aurelia. They mean well." Gandalf assured me. "They just aren't very fond of elves."

"So I've been told." I replied. "But correct me if I'm wrong, Thorin despises King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm for not helping them in their time of need. However he and his people are just one kingdom. That doesn't mean all elves are like Thranduil and his people."

Gandalf nodded. "Yes, you're quite correct on that. However Thorin is too blinded by hatred to see past that, which is why he despises all elves in general."

"What if someone in his family falls for an elf?" I inquired.

Gandalf let out a laugh. "Ha! Thorin will go livid."

Gandalf spent the rest of the evening on his pipe, while I scouted up ahead. I wasn't prepared to hear screams. One of them was calling out Bilbo's name. I gasped. They're in trouble!

I hastily returned to the campfire where I immediately informed Gandalf at once. "It's the company! They're in trouble!"

"Lead the way!" He exclaimed as he got up.

We put out the fire before making our way into the mountains where a nasty storm was. We managed to see Thorin, Fili, and the others going into a small cave. Gandalf shook his head. "This is terrible."

"What?" I asked, confused. "They're just going into a cave to rest. We should catch up with them."

Gandalf immediately grabbed my arm, pulling me back. "No, don't be a fool."

"Why?" I asked.

"That is no ordinary cave, it's an entrance to where the goblins dwell." Gandalf explained, causing me to gasp.

"We have to help them then."

"Indeed, but we'll take a different route into the mountain. Quickly, follow me." Gandalf informed me.

I quickly followed Gandalf into a different entrance where we heard several voices. Once we were close enough we saw the company captured by the goblins where they all surrounded a giant goblin with a crown and staff. No doubt he's the king of this place. The Goblin King then cowered upon seeing Thorin's sword.

The goblins then pushed them around, beating them. I glanced over at Gandalf who nodded. "Put your hand on my staff, Aurelia. We'll combine our powers."

With that I placed my hand on his staff and when he slammed it onto the ground, a bright and giant light filled the entire place, knocking everyone to the ground. The company soon turned our way and wore relieved smiles to see us.

"Aurelia! Gandalf!" They exclaimed.

I was relieved when I saw Tavros, Trumpkin, Peepicheek, and Trufflehunter all with the company and alive.

"Take up arms! Fight! Fight!" Gandalf shouted.

At once they all scrambled up and quickly they grabbed their weapons. We all began to fight the goblins, but there were too many of them.

"Follow me! Quick! Run!" Gandalf yelled.

We all followed Gandalf with many of the goblins chasing behind us. We continue to scurry through the mountain, fighting off many goblins as we continued to run. Then all of the sudden, the giant goblin king jumped before us, blocking our way out of this accursed place.

"You thought you could escape me!" He shouted before pushing Gandalf back, who bumped into the rest of us. "What are you going to do now, wizard?"

Gandalf then approached him before stabbing him the eye with his staff, causing him to wince. Then he used his sword to slice open his stomach. The goblin king then fell onto his knees before us. "That'll do it."

Once the king fell, the entire bridge broke, sending us deep below the mountain. We reached the ground with a thud. We were trapped underneath the rubble.

"Is everyone alright?" Thorin asked.

We either said yes, aye, or others merely managed to let out a low grunt. I managed to free myself from the rubble, although Fili gave me a worried look. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "Never better. How about you?"

Fili wore a relieved smile as he nodded. "I'm fine as well."

"Well, that could have been worse." Bofur commented.

At that moment, the dead body of goblin king landed on the company. Dwalin immediately protested. "You've got to be joking!"

Fili and I helped the company members who were still trapped under the rubble. We were all free when Kili shouted. Look!"

We all turned to see the place surrounded with thousands of goblins. Fili stood protectively before me, while Tavros, Trufflehunter, and Trumpkin stood by my side, and Peepicheek stood on my shoulder.

"There's too many, we can't fight them." Dwalin said.

"We need to get out of here!" I suggested.

"Aurelia's right! Only one thing will save us. Daylight! Come on!" Gandalf urged. "Here, on your feet."

We headed towards the light and finally we found an exit. Quickly we all ran down the mountain side and out of the caves.

"Five, six, seven, eight. Bifur, Bofur, that's ten. Fili, Ki­li, that's twelve. And Bombur, that makes thirteen." Gandalf said as he counted. "Aurelia, Peepiceek, Tavros...and there's Trumpkin and Trufflehunter. That makes eighteen. Where's Bilbo? Where is our hobbit? Where is our hobbit?!"

We all looked around to see if he was around us. Where is he? Please tell me we didn't leave him behind in the mountain...

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