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offlinenoun: Cybertronian dialect for "death"; as Transformers are not technically "alive", they are said, when all their systems permanently shut down, to go offline; additional idiomatic equivalents include when one's "spark goes out", one is "deactivated", one "crashes", etc.; adjective: Cybertronian dialect for "dead"

Optic Glass (n.)- Two plexiglass compartments on a mech's faceplate that house and protect the sensitive optical receptors and cameras.

organicnoun: term used by Cybertronians to refer to creatures of non-technological origins; this applies to all the different natural species of Earth, as well as other planets; the bipedal Earth organics known as humans have also been referred to as fleshling's, meatbags, insects, squishies, noisy creatures, "puny flesh creatures", "dumb stubbies", Terrans or Homo sapiensadjective: having the characteristics of one or more of these non-technological races

ornnoun: Cybertronian measurement of time, defined as being equivalent to "one Cybertronian lunar day"; roughly equivalent to 13 Earth days

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