1. 路口 Intersection

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一个人走 无聊的路口
I walk alone 
Reaching a pathetic intersection
我还在做梦 以为你会喜欢我
I'm still dreaming
Thinking that you like me
我的希望落空 而香烟不离手
My hopes are becoming nothing
Cigarette smoke rises into the air
My heart is beating so fast
that it hurts

"Evan," she says softly, reaching up to stroke my cheek gently. Her lips curve into a small smile. "I'm glad that you're here..."

I smiled at her, my heart beating so fast I was afraid it might just leap out of my chest. She opened her mouth again, whispering—


I jumped when a heavy book fell next to my head, snapping me out of my dream. I looked up through blurry eyes to see Samantha hovering over me, her thin lips pulled down into a frown.

"You fell asleep," Samantha reprimanded, crossing her arms. "Again."

"I'm sorry," I muttered, sounding less than sincere. I scratched the back of my neck and stretched my sore muscles. Using my desk as a pillow was a bad idea. Samantha let out a loud sigh, concern flitting through her muddy brown eyes as she shook her head in disappointment.

"What happened to you, Evan? Your grades are suffering and finals are just around the corner," Samantha sighed, taking a seat down next to me. I groaned internally, regretting sleeping in class for the first time. Next time, I should remember to get far away from Nosy Samantha when I want to take a nap.

When her question was faced with silence, she let out another sigh.

"I know we're not friends and I know you don't like me, but I'm asking because I'm concerned for you as your class monitor," she said. I eyed her suspiciously, trying to figure out if she was just trying dig for secrets to share with the rest of the school, knowing that my negativity was useless. Although we weren't friends, I knew Samantha wasn't the kind of person to gossip. Besides, she was too busy studying and sucking up to the teachers to gossip about her schoolmates.

"Life sucks, Sam." With a loud sigh, I propped my feet up on my desk and threw my hands behind my head.

"So?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

"So I take naps in class instead of listening to boring Mrs Seah yap," I yawned, much to Samantha's annoyance.

"Look, I don't mean to pry, but even I knew that you had a thing with Mei," Samantha said, pursing her lips. "But you can't be miserable over something like that, right?"

Frowning at her implication, I shot her a dirty look. Samantha rolled her eyes, throwing her hands up in frustration.

"It really is because of Mei," she muttered in distaste.

"Do you have something against her or what?" I couldn't help but snap defensively.

"I don't have anything against Mei, I just find it stupid when people get all depressed over love," she explained.

"I'm not depressed!" I protested, but sounded like a deflated balloon. Samantha shook her head, rolling her eyes again. I was really tempted to flick her on the forehead just to stop her from giving me any more of her condescending looks. "I'm just...grieving, I guess."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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