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Welp, it has happened.

I have been tagged by IntrovertedOtakuCJ

I've never done this before, so I'm guessing I answer the same questions they did.

Do you like anyone?

My bae, Ms_Castle_1334

Do they like you?

Um...yes? I'm pretty sure.

Single or Taken?

Surprisingly taken

Middle name?


Last person you texted?


Last song you listened to?

War of Hearts by Ruelle

Don't judge

Battery Percentage?


Girl best friend.

Other than my girlfriend, HayBail1324

Friends since birth. Even managed to share a crib at times👌

Guy best friend?

Shawn. He may be a dick at times, but he will forever be amazing in my eyes.


I'm The 100 trash.

Bellarke and Murphamy

Current lock screen?

Why did you make your account?

So I can convince my mom I actually have friends...😂(😭)


June 21, 2001

And these poor kiddos are now tagged





These are my only friends, and my bae has already been tagged. Le sigh

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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