DM- I'm Sorry

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@dom_weasley added @vic_weasley

@dom_weasley added @brid.jones

@dom_weasley added @louis_weasley

@dom_weasley: I just want to apologize to everyone. From the bottom of my heart I am so fucking sorry. You guys are my family and my best friend. I should have listened to you. I just didn't want to even think of the fact that my boyfriend could be possibly cheating on me. And these past weeks I've realized how absolutely wrong I was not to trust the people that have always been there for me. And I understand if after all of this you don't forgive me but I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am

@vic_weasley: it's ok dom everyone makes mistakes and we understand and we love you no matter what

@louis_weasley: Vic's right we understand you're sorry

@dom_weasley: thanks guys idk what I would do without you

@dom_weasley: bridget?

@brid.jones: Dominique I understand how sorry you are

@brid.jones: But you really hurt me

@dom_weasley: It's ok I understand if you don't want to be friends with me

@brid.jones: I'm not saying we're gonna be best friends again right away

@brid.jones: But we certainly can try

@dom_weasley: Ilysm Bridget

@brid.jones: <3

@dom_weasley: And thank you all for giving me another chance :)

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