Introduction - ENG

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Ib (イヴ Ivu) is a free-to-play adventure psychological horror video game developed and composed by kouri, a Japanese artist in February 2012. The game focuses around a nine year old girl that goes by the name of Ib (well um wowie that's obvious her name's the bloody title & she's the protagonist!!1!11) and she goes by the 'silent protagonist' role; this means that she herself does not talk in the game (but only when the player chooses an option.) but in most occasions of the game, Ib does not respond to others when they ask her questions and the asker repeats her answer so players can see it, but does not see Ib respond to this herself (for example, in the safe room, when Garry asks Ib her age.)

You can control Ib by moving her through 2d fields and interact/examine various objects. Most obstacles in the game come in the forms of blocked paths or locked doors, which the player must overcome and cross – enemies and traps are present which will also decrease your health. If you lose too much health, you'll get a game over.

There are vases full of water present throughout the game that will restore your health, but most of the time, you can only use them once – so use them wisely. However, there ARE vases present throughout the game that are light blue in colour and they possess a limitless amount of water, so that they never run out.

In the first dungeon, the blue area, there is a regular vase where you pick up your rose – which in the game counts as your life. If your rose loses all of its petals, it's game over.

In the yellow area, there is one regular vase.

In the red area, there is a unlimited vase and an empty vase. In the gray area, there are three regular vases and one empty vase, but if you make a different decision in the game the second vase will be filled with a red liquid and if you place your rose in the liquid, it will wither.

In the violet area, there is one regular vase, and one unlimited vase. At first, there is one empty vase, but after progressing through the area, it will become an unlimited one.

In the brown area, there is one regular vase.

In the sketchbook, there is one regular vase.

In the dungeon, there is one fake vase and one regular vase.

In the cyan area, there are two regular vases, but if you visit this area without a certain someone, there will only be one.

In the black area, there is one regular vase.

If you include the secret level at the end of the game, it would take around two and a half hours to finish the game, depending on how long you spend on some particular levels, so it is quite easy to finish in a single sitting if you can finish the puzzles quickly. As of version 1.05, there have been three extra endings added to the game, increasing the ending counter to ten.

There are ten ending in the game so far, this includes:

1: A Painting's Demise (Added in 2013)

2: Welcome To The World Of Guertena (Added in 2013)

3: Together Forever

4: Forgotten Portrait

5: Ib All Alone (Version one)

6: Ib All Alone (Version two)

7: Ib All Alone (Version three)

8: Ib All Alone (Version four) (Added in 2013)

9: Memory's Crannies

10: Promise Of Reunion

While writing this walkthrough, I shall be referencing EricVanWilderman's video talking about the endings and other various walkthroughs – since the dev's first language is in Japanese, I will be having a friend of mine who has a Japanese dictionary to translate my walkthrough as well. I apologise in advance if it will be off. So basically the layout will be like this -

Chapter one: Intro (English)
Chapter two: Intro (Japanese)
Chapter three: Ending one (English)
Chapter four: Ending one (Japanese)

and so on.

I hope you enjoy!~

Ib - All Endings GuideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora