Ending 9 ~ Welcome To The World Of Guertena

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Art by o0chii on DA.

Welcome To The World Of Guertena is an ending that was added in version 1.04 by kouri in 2013. This ending involves Mary a lot more than the other endings, which some Mary fans do enjoy as the only ending where she does survive is in the third ending of the game – Together Forever, and the third version of Ib all alone, if you choose to spare her.

~What you will need!~

1: Garry Doom Counter must be at one point before beginning the final puzzle of the violet room. - this is to ensure that he will lose himself.

To increase the Garry Doom Counter, you can do one or more of these things:

- During the game of hide and seek in the yellow area, you must see the painting which Ib will describe as 'Sinister'. This increases his doom point by 1.

- When Garry gets angry at the mannequin in the gray area for frightening you and him, cover your eyes instead of stopping him. He will kick the mannequin and it will shatter into pieces. Afterwards, if you leave the room and arrive at the two doors in the grey area, enter the one on the right, you will see a hanged mannequin and a note. The note will say 'Hanged Garry', which will increase his doom point by 1.

- In the part with 5 ropes in the violet room, pull all of the ropes instead of the necessary one. The fifth rope will either drop a doll or a mannequin head, depending if you destroyed the mannequin earlier on. This increases his doom point by 1.

- In the brown area, where Ib can take mannequin heads off the table, push off all three instead of the necessary one. This increases his doom point by 1.

- When the doll blocks the way in the violet area, kick the doll. This increases his doom counter by 1.

- If the Garry doom counter is at 0 by the time you enter the brown area, a secret conversation between Ib and Mary will take place. She asks you "What if only two of us can get out?"

To increase the doom counter, tell Mary you'll leave her behind.

2: Let the timer run out when attempting to complete the final puzzle of the violet room, and 'Trash' will come out of the empty painting and catch Garry – this will add two points to the Garry Doom Counter. Note that if you kicked the doll out of the way before, the timer will run out faster. – you have to lose this challenge otherwise you'll be locked into a different ending because the ending takes place in the puzzle room. And now since the Doom Counter is at three or more, he can no longer be saved.

3: Mary Relationship Counter must be higher than four points, to ensure that she will come back for Ib and Garry because she cares for Ib.

To increase the Mary Affection Counter, you must do these things:

- See the "sinister painting" in hide and seek, as well as the Hanged Garry message;
then, when you meet Mary, ask if she's okay before Garry does.

- Agree that Red Eyes is cute or pettable.

- Agree with Mary that Ib and her will be fine on their own

- Say you'd leave with Mary [Note: not useful, given the Doom Count requirement]

- Talk to Mary seven or more times in the brown area
(while she follows you around after stabbing the mannequin)

4: Garry Relationship Counter must be lower than eight points, to ensure that Ib cannot save Garry from his destroyed state.

Remember that Garry Doom Counter and Garry/Mary Relationship counters are things you cannot physically see in the game, but just because you can't see them, it doesn't mean the game won't take note of them. Please be careful when you progress through the game because if you do anything to increase these counters you could be forcefully locked into a bad ending.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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