Have you ever really miss someone so bad?

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I miss you and the thought of you makes me want to cry

I look at our pictures, recalling all the memories we’ve shared

What we've talked and laughed about, what you like to eat, what makes you happy

How you smile or how you look like when you sleep.

I miss you that I often dream about you

I think and pray for you before I sleep at night

You’re still in my mind whenever I wake up

I wonder what you do or do you ever think of me too?

I miss you that I sometimes see your face in the crowd

There’s always something or someone that reminds me of you

I always wonder how you look right now

Or has time slowed down and doesn’t change anything?

I miss you that goodbye is the least word I want to say

I become numb in either hearing or saying it but has to do it anyway

The thought of distance hurts a little and breaks me a little

I wonder how could I ever bring back the lost time.

I miss you and I wish I can hug you again

Or kiss you, or tell you how much you mean to me

Your voice is the only thing that comforts me at the end of each day

And our laughter is the only way to ease my troubles.

I miss you that I wish time has a rewind button

So I can go back and live in all those moments I missed

Or I wish that time can be played forward instead

And bring me to that present moment where I no longer need to wait.

Do I miss you?

It took me a while to answer that.

I don’t miss you. Really.

I miss us.

I Miss You, I Miss UsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora