Undercover Vampire Hunt

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The Jeep.

Her mother's beautiful jeep that Elena had crashed was still stuck in the shop being examined by the town mechanic. Just seeing it in that crumbled smash-up state had made Buffy want to scream.

She would settle for punching the vampire who caused the crash instead.

"So we still have no idea who that vamp was that ruined my perfectly beautiful jeep?" Buffy moaned sadly, a small pout forming on her lips as she laid across her bed, her head resting on Stefan's lap.

Stefan smiled as he continued to run his hands through her hair. He had already popped into the garage where her car was and it was far from unfixable.

"My mother's gonna haunt me for eternity if I don't fix it soon."

Stefan let out a small chuckle as he twirled one of her blonde curls between his fingers before sighing in worry. The fact that they still had no idea who this guy was worried him.

For all, they knew he could be watching them.

"I've not heard any whispers about anyone else in town." He admitted, "Do you or Elena remember anything else about him?"

Buffy sighed as she turned over so that she could focus on his handsome face "Nadda. Elena was big with the blocking my view and I was a bit preoccupied. You know bleeding out and all."

He threw her a pointed look at the joke, clearly not happy with her making fun of her near-death experience.

Clearly, Stefan had yet to adjust to having a Slayer girlfriend.

In all likelihood, he would end up having to get a first aid box in his room for last-minute patrol injuries.

"Sorry." She mumbled before moving to play with his daylight ring, twisting it between her fingers "Stef, stuff like that happens. I get hurt."

"I know." He whispered, concern laced in his voice. 

Dating a Slayer was going to be a terrifying experience, Stefan knew that. He loved Buffy but he was never going to stop worrying every time she went on patrol.

It was always going to take everything out of him not to go all overprotective of her every time she was in danger.

"Elena said he was wearing a hoodie and black boots. But with all the bone snappy. Definitely a you-vamp."

Buffy groaned loudly before staring down at his ring again as he entangled their fingers together. At least Damon and Stefan were the only ones with the special daylight rings... at least she hoped they were.

Smiling down at her as she continued to twist and play with his daylight ring, he used his spare hand, grabbing the small box that he had brought with him.

Placing the box on her stomach he went back to running his hand through her hair as she shifted her focus to the wooden box "I brought some vervain. For, um—for you, Elena, and Jenna. And, um, I made this bracelet for Jeremy."

Luckily, the bracelet was brown and very minimal so Jeremy would actually wear it.

"There is a necklace here Elena can use."

Picking up the next item, Buffy eyed the beautiful locket with a red gemstone in the center.

"Where did you get this?" She whispered as she examined the necklace closely, twirling the locket between her fingers.

"Found it in the 20s."

Buffy hummed at his explanation before her hand shifted up to her own necklace that he had given her "And where did you get mine?"

Stefan just grinned mischievously before leaning down and planting a soft kiss on her lips "That is a secret."

Buffy giggled lightly before planting another quick peck on his lips and continuing to flip through some of the other items he had brought her.

There was one silver spiral necklace that would work perfectly for Bonnie, and a heart-shaped locket with a matching bracelet that worked perfectly for Caroline.
If she gave Caroline the necklace and kept the bracelet for herself, claiming they were some kind of godsister matching charms then there was no way Caroline would ever take it off.

Plus, there was a ring that was completely perfect for Jenna.

"Can witches be compelled?" She questioned curiously.

Logically, if a Slayer could not be compelled then witches and other supernatural creatures should be immune too.

"No." Stefan confirmed, "Slayers, witches, demons are immune to compulsion."

Buffy smiled gratefully before placing the items back in the box and focusing back on her boyfriend with a teasing smirk "You know I got a butt load from Giles, right?"

There was literally a box filled with liquified vervain in the corner of her room as well as vervain steamed tea bags.

"Which you are using for tea and perfume. Which is smarter, but think of this as an extra precaution."

Buffy exhaled loudly at his words, her brain starting the pound as all of the problems on her plate started to overflow.

With the demonic vamps, it was easy to know their weaknesses. There was so much lore about them that it was easy enough to find out how to kill them. The gest was always the same...but those rules were so different for this kind.
Yes, the basics including the sun and wood still applied but everything else...it was so different.

Honestly...it made her head kind of want to explode. There were just too many things to remember.

 "You know I'm so glad the other kind cannot control minds, there is something about drinking holy water which just seems wrong to me."

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