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You're such a great friend. Thank you so much. You're honestly a saint. You have such a big heart, and you're always willing to help people. You assume the best in people, and I admire that. And you're so incredibly strong. I don't even deal with half the shit you've been through, and I'm barely keeping it together. I don't know, I just look up to you. I wish I could be like you because you're an amazing, beautiful person. And I hope you know that I'm here for you. I know I'm on a break right now, but if you need me I'm still here. I wouldn't ever push you aside for my own needs. I do feel that you've opened up a bit more, and I'm glad for that. I'm sorry I'm not very good at giving advice or making people feel better. That's more your forte I think. That doesn't mean I won't try though. I'll try to help you in anyway that I can because you're always willing to help me, and even the strongest people need someone to lean on once in a while. You don't have to carry the weight all on your own, so I'm here for you. Thanks for being a great friend to me. Your friendship means a lot to me.


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