Chapter 4 Capture

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specton - 2 1/2 minutes

minton - 2 1/2 days

quant - 2 1/2 years

heckson - 2 1/2 miles

Toton - 2 1/2 hours

Bill - Lion clan

Twitty - Grey Tabby clan

Glenna - Bengal clan

Mikos - Chartreux clan

Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan

General Roth - Leopard clan

Theta - Cheetah clan

Cornelius - one of Bill's Uncles

Niaco - Bill's brother's mate

Bill looked at the General for a few moments. "Yeah you and everybody else within the realm that still have a shred of decency. Remember Roth, I am not my brother; we tried it his way and look what it got us. No this time we do it my way! As you well know that will involve a hell of a lot of blood!"

The General's face was concerned a moment then he began to smile broadly. "Good! It's about time we returned to the kingdom we were during your father's reign! Lord knows none of this political crap would have been going on. Don't get me wrong I loved your brother and faithfully served him and the crown. It was just that his policies came at a time when the kingdom was still unstable after your father passed."

"I know old friend, I miss him fiercely also." Bill said, a moment of sadness showing on his face. "I remember when I was younger. The battles the kingdom had, to try and tame the savage planets. I intend to re-unite all the worlds like he had. This kingdom was great in his day and I intend to make it that way again! I also intend to not let the planets be lost to the madness of isolation again!"

General Roth sighed, and then his face brightened. "I was right! You are much like your father, with a touch of your brother in you."

Bill's head snapped around to stare at the General, "I fail to see where you think I am a touch like my brother!"

Smiling the General said, "Had it been your father no matter what, he'd have ripped the chest of both those you employed to shreds. No, I think you are a lot like your father but I also think you are far more intelligent. It appears that you do not allow the feline side of our make up to completely rule your thinking."

"I thank you for the compliment Roth." Here Bill stared at the General's face a moment. "At least I think it's a compliment. I hope I don't regret not correcting you later Roth!" Then with a sigh Bill shook his head. "I have a long and difficult road ahead. I am afraid I am going to be leaning on your experience more than I had at first thought."

The General's face was suddenly shining with pride. "I live to serve the crown and the king. I have been serving this royal family a long time and hope to continue to for some time still. As always it is a great honor to serve."

A huge smile lit up Bill's face as a thought came to him. "You know, there haven't been any knights in the realm in a long time." The general's face showed a sudden sadness at the thought. "I think that after I am crowned I should correct that. What do you think General?"

General Roth thought a moment, "I think that would be a splendid idea! As you said it has been far too long since there were any. Do you have any candidates in mind sir?"

Bill got a serious look on his face thinking a moment then he turned to the General. "As a matter of fact I do, actually only four at the moment."

"Only four," The general asked a suspicious look coming to his face.

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