Chapter Five

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She believed Drew about as far as she could throw him—not far at all. But his expression was totally sober and he spoke with assured confidence. Fine. It was kind of sweet that he was defending Porter but there was a thing with being twins: there was an inherent instinct about when the other half was lying. It was like having bullshit radar of the highest calibre. 

“Whatever you say.” 

“That’s the right attitude,” Drew said. 

She chomped down on her lower lip to stop from laughing. 

Porter’s eyes went from Drew to Copeland before he cleared his throat. “I should go. Copeland, you’d better come back soon too.” 

She rolled her eyes. “I will.” 

“You should bring Drew by, maybe he could come for some grub later.” 

“Sure,” Drew said before she could answer. “I’ll show you how to play some stuff.” 

“Right on man. Thanks.” 

“No problem.” Porter walked away and Drew pointed to her feet. “No shoes again.” 

She shrugged. “I live on the edge.” 

“You should really wear shoes.” 

“Bad things happen when I wear shoes,” she said, “yesterday is a perfect example. I wore shoes and I fell. Shoes are not only like prison for your feet but they are high risk and that my friend, is irrefutable.” 

“If you weren’t wearing the wrong shoes yesterday, you wouldn’t have fell. If you hadn’t fell, you would not have met me,” he pointed out.

Copeland leaned down and picked up her beach bag and her camera. “Well there is always that.” Her camera lens cap was loose and she looked at Drew with wide eyes. “Did you touch my camera?” 

His mouth curled up. “Maybe. When I see beautiful things, I take a picture of them.” 


“What are you doing today?” 

“I was going to read a book, but I have the feeling you’re about to give me a better offer.” 

It was now or not at all. She took a breath and squared her shoulders. “Wanna spend the day with me? We can make an adventure.” 

His brows drew closer together. “That depends. Will you wear shoes?” 

“You’re bargaining with me?” 

“You’re limiting what we can do,” he said, “by opposing shoes.” 

“Fair enough,” she allowed. “If I go and get shoes, will you spend the day with me?” 

“If you go an get shoes that fit and minimize the risk of personal injury, I would love to spend the day with you.” 

She smiled. “Fine. I have to go tell my parents though.” 

“Are you sure your family won’t mind? I mean, aren’t you supposed to be doing the whole reunion thing?” 

“I tend to wander,” Copeland said. “My parents would worry if I didn’t take off. I’ll go get my shoes and meet you back here.” 

“Awesome,” Drew said. “I’ll be ready.” 

Her father was helping her uncle as they tried to fix a volleyball net that was impaled in the ground, he smiled as she approached. “Hi Pumpkin.” 

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