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~Min Yoon-Gi (민윤기) POV

I smiled as I ran my fingers among the dashboard of my new car "Ah this is great" I said stopping at a stop sign my smile immediately faded when I saw a girl come running out of no where with a huge group of men dressed in suits running behind her,stopping in front of my car she looked behind her and yelled something I didn't really understand as she stepped on top of my car "what in the world are you doing?!" I yelled she crawled right over and started to run I looked to the front of my car to see the guy's in suits standing there I held my hands up and the one in the middle shrugged and all of them followed the girl's actions"You've got to be kidding me!"I yelled as they crossed over "Shit!" I yelled as I hit the steering wheel.

~Lee Dan-Ah POV

"Ah I'm starving"I said holding my stomach as it growled "that's her!"I heard someone yell I turned around to see guys in suits running towards me You've got to be kidding me I stood up from the bench and started to run "my parents seriously need a hint"I said as I went down an alley way just to see it completely blocked by a man in a car I turned around to see them catching up and I panicked "dammit,Sorry!"I yelled as I crossed over the guys car I heard him yell and pound on the roof of the car as I got off and ran.

The sun had finally set and I was looking for a place to sleep for the night when I set my eyes on a ramen shop I pouted and took out my 1,000 won  I had in my pocket, I sighed and put it back back in "I wish it would be enough"I said as I continued to walk.An hour later I walked by a bank, outside their were plates with pretty solid left overs I sat next to them.

   "So its come to this hasn't it?"I said sighing placing the plate on my lap "No"I said putting it back "I'm not eating someone else's leftovers" right after I said that I slowly found myself picking up the piece of food on the plate and stuffing in my mouth I mentally slapped myself but picked up the plate and continued to eat as I was about to put the plate back down a delivery bike showed up I gasped as the light lit up my face ,a guy around his early twenty's got off of the bike and took off his helmet showing off his brown hair "Oh,I'm sorry,I was sent here to pick up the plates" he said "Yeah,right,sorry I was just finishing"I said as I sat down the plate on top of the others "here you go"I said as I handed him the plates my stomach growled and my eyes grew wide he took the plates from my hands and put them in the back of his bike "follow me"he said "what?"I asked him as I stood up "your hungry aren't you?"he asked as he snapped on his helmet I nodded slowly as I looked down he chuckled.

"Here you go"he said as he sat down the plate of food in front of me "thank you"I said as I bowed my head he smiled "no problem" I grabbed the chopsticks on the side of the table and started to eat."Thanks for he food"I said he smiled "no problem,what's your name?" he asked as he sat across from me "Lee Dan-Ah"I said he nodded "yours?"I asked "Kim Tae-hyung"he replied "so..."he began I looked up "you ran away from home?"he said I nodded "It looks like you've been living like a bum for three days"he said "how did you know?" I asked "what do you mean,you must've been starving for three days to have to eat leftover pork" I covered my face in embarrassment "please don't bring that up"I said "how old are you?"he asked as he leaned his arm on the table "22" I said "Don't lie"he said "why would a 22 year old be running away when you should be moving out"he said I bit the inside of my cheek "hurry up and tell me" he said becoming unpatient "even without the uniform and lipstick I can tell,so how old are you?" he said "how old do I look?"I asked as I leaned on the table staring into his eyes he looked at me and squinted his eyes "your a high school junior,right" I smiled "yes"I lied "how old are you?"I asked "you should be calling me mister"he said I raised an eyebrow "im six years older than you"he said "so 24?"I asked he nodded "why did you leave home?"he asked "just a type of rebellion"I said "what?"he asked"In books about child rearing,they discuss a total amount of rebellion.All children will trouble there parents.The amount will always be the same" "And?" "you can't grow up being too obedient and calm.Then all that rebellion will explode together all at once later on"I explained "Oh so that's you right now?" he asked "mhm"I said "up until now, I've never once said no.The most I've said is 'can I not do it'Then my mom would say I have to because of this and that,then I would say 'yes I understand'Then I exploded without meaning to" he nodded "so what are you planning to do now?"he asked as he crossed his arms I stayed silent "where are you gonna sleep tonight?'he asked "I shook my head and looked down.

I looked around the neat room as he set up the sheets on the floor he got up and looked at me"think of your parents faces a hundred of times before bed"he said I stared at him "answer me"he said "okay,I'll do that"I responded "sleep" he said as he walked to the door slipping on his shoes and walking out closing the door behind him,I looked around once more and walked to the door looking at the lock as I was about to press it the door opened Taehyung's head popping out "lock the window before sleeping"he said I looked over at the window then back at him I nodded and he pressed the lock on the door and closed it before leaving I smiled and immediately went over to the window locking it.

~Kim Tae-Hyung (김태형)POV

"Were you sleeping?"he asked through the phone "yeah"I lied "your sleeping early"he said "dammit Jimin,why did you call?"I asked he chuckled "my motorcycle engine keeps turning off"he said "ugh why do you only call when your in accidents or when something breaks,am I an Insurance company service?"I said he laughed suddenly Jungkook appeared next to him "Tae,I miss you,you should come visit"he said I smiled "alright I'll come just for you,I'll go in three days just wait"I said "Ok I'll see you then"he said "okay bye,I've got work tomorrow" I said as they waved goodbye I ended the call and shifted in the seats I was laying in falling asleep.

"Hey,Hey"I opened my eyes to see my co-worker I jumped up "Gosh,when did you get here?"I asked "just now"he said back "why are you sleeping here,is there a ghost in your room?"he asked  "what,what ghost?" I said he chuckled "I'll start to mop the floor,Go get ready for work"he said as he walked away  "Okay Namjoon,give me a few minutes I'll be right down"I said "yeah yeah"he said as I ran upstairs knocking on my rooms door "Dan-Ah,Dan-Ah,Wake up "I said I didn't hear anything so I opened the door to my surprise no one was there,the sheets we folded and a note was placed on top of them I went over and opened it,it reading:


Thank you

"What is this?,where did she go?"

~Lee Dan-Ah POV

I sat by the ocean as I recalled what Taehyung said last night "22 is not an age to runaway,its an age to be moving out on my own"I said ,my stomach growled and I held it as I sighed "what do I do?.Mister".


A/n Hello I hope you enjoyed this chapter,this is my first ever K-pop fanfic lol so if I get anything wrong feel free to correct me just don't attack me lol😂💕

Also,this fanfic is based off of my favorite korean drama atm which is Strongest Deliveryman.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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