Rose's Repairs

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A/N: This is a quick one-shot, all human scenario where Jacob and Nessie meet. All characters are owned by Stephanie Meyer, I'm just messing around with them for fun. This has strong language, but is overall just a sweet little situation I thought up one time. Enjoy! xxx

Jacob pulled into the gas station, thoroughly pissed.

Seth had one job. One job. Get that damn car fixed before the rich pale guy came back. Jake had had no idea being the boss would be so stressful. If he had, he thought with an annoyed smirk, he might never have agreed to that partnership with Sam. 

As it stood, the rich Cullen guy would be back to pick up his daughter's swanky Porsche in half an hour or less, and Seth had done zero work on it. He hadn't even checked the engine yet.

Well, fuck Seth. If the car wasn't in perfect working order by the time he got back, and Jake was still in this black mood, he was getting the sack. And decent, well paid jobs weren't easy to come by on the rez. The thought gave him a little more satisfaction than it should have.

He filled up the tank and headed into the little gas station shop to pay, picking up a crate of beer and some of that candy shit Sam liked. He chuckled to himself; it was the guy equivalent of buying a girl wine and chocolate, he supposed. Butter him up before he told him that Seth had fucked up the most crucial car servicing job of the year. Everybody knew the Cullens were loaded. And now Rosalie Hale, the woman that opened Rose's Repairs, would think they weren't running a tight ship, and they'd all suffer because of Seth's dodgy memory.

Why did Rosalie have to marry a Cullen brother anyway? She used to be so cool, taught Jake everything he knew about cars, and she dropped in once every couple of months all dressed up in her designer clothes with her hair permed to check sales and that was pretty much all they saw of her.

Shit. Rosalie was a reasonable woman, and Jake didn't get the impression she was that attached to her brother in law, but even so he didn't doubt that she would be pissed. And however angry he was at Seth, he wasn't going to drop him in it, so if the car wasn't fixed in time he knew he would take the blame. It was part and parcel of being the boss.

He paid and headed back out to his little Volkswagen Rabbit, that he'd repaired himself forever ago, when he first started out in the business.

He was about to get in and drive away when possibly the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen stepped out of the little shop, a worried expression plastered across her face and a phone pressed to her ear.

Her hair was a gorgeous auburn mess of curls, and her eyes were wide, a deep brown color. Her face was a perfect heart shape and her skin was creamy white, her rosebud lips the perfect pink color to compliment the rest of her face. Not to mention her body; that was something Jacob would like to see under closer scrutiny.

She looked rich, he decided. Her clothes were very obviously designer, and extremely dressy, even for someone so obviously well off. She wore a strapless, form-fitting dark blue dress that finished at her knees, exposing her soft, pale calves and shoulders, and she was maybe a few years younger than him, so probably around twenty. She wore gold heels that almost had him drooling at her legs.

Jacob wondered why she was so upset. He could see her talking fast into her phone, her expression becoming steadily more agitated, until she finally flipped it closed. With a sigh, she shook her head. Pretending to have forgotten something in the shop, he darted past her and went back in, buying a pack of Cheetos because it was the first thing his hands touched. He practically flew back outside to where the gorgeous girl stood, and stopped just before he passed her.

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