Act I, Scene III: Following the Trail

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   Romeo massaged his elbow as he watched Benvolio pace in front of him. He had landed hard on it and it ached if he extended it too far. After what had happened downstairs Benvolio had him hauled to the upper level of the mansion and stuck him on the sofa in the meeting room. Benvolio wrung his hands frantically as he spoke, setting his jowls waggling.

   “Unbelievable!” he exclaimed, still pacing tirelessly. “This is unforgivable! I can imagine why Duke Giotto warned me not to mingle with those ruffians.” Romeo felt similarly, but couldn’t help but think of the girl, Juliet. She had been armed as well, but rushed to his defense against her comrade. “I swear, this will not go unpunish-”

   “Wait!” Romeo exclaimed, standing from the sofa. Benvolio’s head snapped to him and he saw Mercutio move away from the wall he had been leaning against. “I don’t think we should write them all off just yet.”

   “What are you saying?” Benvolio asked, raising an eyebrow. “Just because one of them tried to protect you doesn’t mean the others are as trustworthy.”

   “I recommend you do some investigating into your own company. According to that girl, he’s not as much of a saint as we’ve been led to believe,” Romeo said with a scowl.

   “What do you mean? What did they tell you?” Benvolio asked, his voice suddenly dropping.

   “She told me that Giotto had House Capulet murdered and I’m assuming he used the witch hunt to further his own goals.’

   “Of course they would-”

   “You can stop saying ‘they,’ her name is Juliet,” Romeo interjected.

   “Juliet? Capulet?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Romeo nodded slowly. “Fine,” Benvolio agreed, narrowing his eyes at Romeo. “She would have said anything if it meant winning you over in some way. The next thing you know, she’ll have you turning against Giotto just like her parents did.”

   “I wouldn’t do that, but don’t you think this at least warrants some questions?” Romeo asked, walking past Benvolio and standing in front of the door.

   “It’s interesting, certainly, but that hardly seems like something that Giotto would be pleased to hear about.” Benvolio scratched the back of his neck nervously but protested no more.

   “Do what you want, I’m going to see what I can dig up on the Capulets,” Romeo said, unable to keep a hint of disappointment out of his voice. “Come on, Mercutio,” he said, looking at the long haired young man at the corner of the room. He pushed the doors open, but felt a hand slam down on his shoulder. He whirled around to face Benvolio’s worried gaze.

   “Look, I’m just as interested in this as you are. If I can’t stop you, I certainly won’t sell you out. Just don’t do anything too stupid, okay, brother?” Romeo turned around and embraced his brother tightly.

   “You’re a good guy, Ben,” he whispered. Benvolio chuckled lightly and pushed Romeo away.

   “Just be careful out there, you hear?” he asked, holding his shoulders firmly.

   “No promises,” Romeo said with a smirk. Ben smiled back, but he could sense worry behind the glittering eyes. “Come on, Mercutio.” Romeo beckoned for the other boy to follow him, and he did just that. The door swung shut with a click as the two left Benvolio alone with his thoughts.


   They descended the stairs without a word; after all, Mercutio had a way of knowing what his cousin was thinking. Romeo abruptly stopped in the middle of the ballroom, the same place he had danced with Juliet Capulet not an hour before. The guests had since been dismissed, though some stragglers still lingered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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