My Prince

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The next few days Luna didn't want to leave Scott's side afraid he would leave just like everyone. She cried and clenched on his shirt until he sighed and promised her he will come back. He will always comeback to her. Derek disappeared after the death of Boyd making the guilt unbearable so he hid. While the Scooby gang goes investigating foe the missing Alpha, Luna stays at the hospital with Melissa "Training " to become a doctor or spends her time with Alison's dad to learn how to protect herself. After watching Boyd die Alison wanted the little pup to be prepared but Scott thought he would always be by her side to protect her from all evil.

Luna finally fell asleep on Scott's chest, sighing Scott stopped rubbing her back causing her to cry a little in her sleep, her eye brows creased in distress . He went back to rubbing when her back when his phone rang on the night stand.

"Hello," Scott answers sleepily

"Lets go find a dead body," Stiles says with energy

"Dude I cant Luna just got sleep, she has been having trouble sleeping," Scott says looking at the now up pup who was already getting off the bed and putting on her bunny slippers that match her pink night gown." Never mind we are coming out now."

Scott made his way to the blue jeep with an inpatient Stiles, who is tapping his finger on the steering wheel and playing loud music. Scott got in and placed Luna in his lap letting her fall asleep with a pacifier in her mouth.

"How is she doing," Stiles asking looking at the Sleeping pup

"Better still cries when I leave or in her sleep," Scott says kissing the girl forehead.

When they got to the meeting point Scott let Luna go with Stiles so she can see Lydia.

"Lydia" Stiles calls putting Luna down so she can jump into Lydia's arm. Lydia smiles at the little girl and picked her up.

"It's the same thing. Same thing as the pool. " She says freaking out,"I got into the car heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body. -"

"You found a dead body? -" Stiles interrupted

"Not yet"

"Not yet"? What do you mean "not yet"? Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body. " Stiles scowls her making Luna giggle

"Oh, no, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on. " Lydia says kissing Luna's head.

"How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body." Stiles asked but was interrupted by Scott.

"Guys. I found the dead body."  Later Luna went to the hospital with Melissa but was later picked up by Stiles and Cora. Cora loved and protected Luna since she came back. 

" Scott and Derek are werewolves?" Stiles dad says with Luna on his lap

"Yes. " Stiles confirms

"Little Luna here is a baby werewolf,"

"Yes," Stiles says nodding his head. Luna looked up at the Sheriff with a smile and then licked his face making him laugh and wipe his face.

"And Kate Argent was a werewolf?"

" Hunter.That's purple's hunter." Stiles clarified

" Along with Allison and her father. "

"Yeah ,"

"and my friend Deaton, the veterinarian, is a Kanima?"

"Well, no, no, no, no, no. He's a druid, okay? Well, we think. - "

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