Tokyo Ghoul

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It has been quite a while since I have picked up this book again. My apologies, college has been quite interesting, but things are slowing down! For today I want to bring up my all time favorite anime.

Tokyo Ghoul is an amazing story about so many complex subjects. It really dives deep into character development as well as the human Psyche. There is a bit of a disclaimer though, this anime is probably the most gruesome I've seen yet.

Summary- Tokyo Ghoul is set in modern day Tokyo. It is about a young, shy boy named Kaneki (Kah-neh-key) Ken. Kaneki is a book worm who doesn't speak much and he has one friend named Hide. (He-day) Most wouldn't see Kaneki doing anything extremely spectacular. In a fight he would most likely run. His entire world changes though when he encounters a creature known as a Ghoul and has to fight for his life.

Ghouls are crazy scary as they have unique and inhuman abilities. They are basically killing machines that look like humans. One of the biggest problems with these ghouls isn't just their abilities, it is that they need to eat human meat in order to survive. This makes for an interesting debate later on in the show.

The premise of the show is that Ghouls are hunting humans and in turn humans are retaliating against the ghouls. It gets far more tricky through when a half ghoul half human emerges.

My Thoughts-

I will leave it at that story wise. I don't want to give too much away, but the show has a lot of tragic themes. Don't get me wrong, it is quite funny off and on and I will say that if you watch it, make sure you wait through the credits. A lot of the episodes have little shorts or important scenes the true fans wait for. But a lot of Tokyo Ghoul is also very sad as well as interesting. The show kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I devoured both seasons as they were both amazing. Season two blew my expectations out of the water and I cannot wait for season three. The show made me laugh, cry, swoon, gasp, sob, scream, and over-all it changed my perspective on the world. In the end, the series has twists and turns sending you on an emotional roller coaster. If you can stomach the gruesome side of Tokyo Ghoul then it is a must watch. I have rarely seen a story that does so well with plot, character development, and important themes all in one.


The plot is as said before, simply amazing. It grips you and doesn't let go! The story is addictive and keeps you on your toes.


The characters are extremely memorable. Having watched a lot of anime I tend to forget names and sometimes faces. Maybe one character will have a longer effect on me but most of the time that isn't true. In Tokyo Ghoul, many of the characters are important, not just the main character. There is so much to love here!

On top of that, Kaneki's character is stunning. He is so realistic and isn't at all OP. His development and reactions both make sense. He isn't overly amazing and yet he is. If you watch it, you will see that the writers are not afraid to give Kaneki normal human reactions to his circumstances. In a lot of stories, the main characters react to things in an almost angelic or perfect way. Kaneki just reacts like I would and even then he is so strong. The realistic characters in Tokyo Ghoul is like a breath of fresh air when surrounded by overly perfect people in other stories.

Art- The art is pretty good, I loved it. It wasn't Black Butler beautiful but the art worked for what they needed and there was no slacking. If anything, the openings for both seasons were beautiful. I think Unravel (the intro for the first season) is one of the best intros I have ever seen. The words for that song are very important please read them. They make me want to cry! I have the song on my playlist and listen to it all the time. I always make a point to watch the obnoxiously long intro and outro anime songs at least once. With Tokyo Ghoul though, I could easily watch the intro over and over. In fact, I love it so much I will link it up above! Please watch!!!

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