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Eren's POV

I woke up. Im in the hospital for some reason. I saw nothing but just black. I want to die. I want to rot in hell. My friends will never forgive me... They... All... Left... Me. I began to scream. Those memories. I screamed really loud. Untill I saw a girl coming through the door. She turned on the light before I loose consciousness.

I woke up. I saw a figure sleeping beside my bed. It was Mikasa. But why is she doing here? I thought she hates me. But I know deep into her heart. She hates me. I got off the bed. Not waking Mikasa. I got out of the room and headed for the rooftop. I dont know whether im going to jump or not. I cant decide. Its freaking cold here. I'll sleep here. So no one can disturb my peaceful aura. I cannot sleep but im sure its now midnight. Its so cold here. Thats what I like. Im sure ill miss everyone. Especially my Mikasa. I hope she gets a better brother. I hope they will get a good life without me. I hope they will be happy without me. I walked through the edge and sat. Ill be dead soon. But im sure Mikasa is coming here. No one can stop me. Even if they forgive me. Ill never forgive my self. Ill recieve freedom.

Mikasa's POV

I woke up. I remembered Eren screaming. I tilted my head into Eren's bed. But I saw. A pillow and a blanket. No Eren. No,no. He must went somewhere. I quickly held my phone and called my friends that Eren is missing. They all respond to my emergency. They all arrived. When they saw the bed with no Eren they all got shocked. They all asked me questions but all I know that we need to find Eren. I began to call the nurses and informed them that Eren i missing. They all began to search. Even the cops. We all looked everywhere but no signs of Eren. There is one more spot that we all dint checked. Its the rooftop. We all headed there and saw nothing. Where is he? I hope he is okay. I beggan to worry. We all tilted our head and saw Eren sitting at the edge. He stands up. He turns his direction to ours. But I noticed Eren has tears in his eye. We all ran into him. But he screamed stop. He was laughing maniacly untill it turns into sobbing and crying. We walked into his direction slowly but he pointed a blade into us. I realized that Eren was cutting his arm. We stopped and noticed that there is blood comming from his left arm. But when I looked carefully it has nearly no skin. I nearly throw up and realized what ive done to Eren. Its all our fault. Its my fault. I can never forgive myself. I ran into him. I dont care if he hurts me or stab me. But the most important is to say sorry into him. I was not five inches into him but when I get closer to him he creates a big scar in my arm. I scream in pain. But when im screaming Eren goes into me. He starts crying and starts to say sorry to me. He started crying and crying. I couldn't take this anymore. I couldn't stand Eren crying so I connected my lips to him. He was shocked. I dont care if he breaks the kiss. But he kisses back. I was shocked and started enjoying it. We pulled away trying to gasp for oxygen. We smiled at each other. I heared a gunshot. I quickly covered my ears and covered my eyes. I opened half of my eye and saw Eren had gunshots all over his body. My eyes got teary. Eren stood up. He was walking unstable. He was heading to the edge. I got up. I ran into him. But I knew that it was too late. He jumped. I ran to the edge and looked over to the ground. Eren was at the ground already. I quickly go into the ground (my english is really bad -_-). I reached to the ground ans went outside. I saw Eren bleeding and his face was blank. I quickly ran into him. I put his head into my lap and started crying. It was all my fault. I lead him into his depression.

A year later

It was a year since Eren's death. But I know it was all my fault. I never should have done things to him. My friends are with me. We are doing preety well. But I hope Eren has a good life in there. Im sure he will recieve freedom. And we hope we can repay all of his things he gave to us. He is such a nice person. And the guy I love. No matter what obstacles come into our way. We will never forget Eren. He will be in our heart forver. And I hope he will forgive us. And will love us forver...

The end..

Soooo that is it. I hope you enjoyed my story. I really put effort in making this story. If you have something to tell me that is wrong with this story. Jus private messege me. Sooooooo


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