11 - The Beast's Property

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7:45 a.m.

Just one quarter of an hour left until I could get to see what Vaughn had done. Flora and I already heard the doors slamming and soft chatter build up, eventually getting louder and louder as more people arrived. Cars and limousines were parked in the driveway. I had expected a small party, not a full-blown out teenage drinking fest.

I had donned a black party dress that Lucian must have picked out. It was certainly his taste, with a low neckline and a dipped back. A frilly lace was shrouded over the entire damned thing. A bit sad, really, because it was the only dress that was up to my taste as well. The rest were of expensive brands and itchy cloth that screamed slut. Flora was wearing a matching black dress, except hers was longer and more child-like. Vaughn had gotten it for her when I asked. 

We looked as if a funeral was happening.

But eh, whatever.

I wasn't sure how acceptable it would be for Flora to be at the party. Grinding and alcohol were two words I didn't want her to know. Judging by the blasting music coming from downstairs and raucous laughter, it sounded as though Vaughn had brought a whole town to Lucian's manor.

Speaking of which, Mr. Nayati was still nowhere to be seen.

Not that I minded.

He could take care of himself. I had a pretty good idea what would happen when Lucian came back from his trip. An entire continent was between us now, and Lucian had freaked when I put a few miles to separate us. So he would either crash the party and kill me, or join in.

I could make a pretty good guess which one it would be.

"Come on, little bee." I announced, picking her up. She gave me a huge kiss right in the middle of my face, probably messing up the makeup I had spent the last hour caking it to my face. Glancing briefly into the mirror, I adjusted the red lipstick and clicked the lights off. I had told Vaughn to make sure no one would crash upstairs. Lucian's ballroom would be trashed by the end of the night. I didn't need him to come back and see two hormonal teenagers doing the frick frack on his bed.

I climbed the staircase to the ballroom and stood in front of the door. Britney Spears sang her heart out of the stereo. Laughter and talking went adrift. At least Vaughn could throw a killer party. I grabbed hold of the doorknob and pushed it open.

The first person to notice me, a flirty redhead in a pink dress, froze. She stared at me in awe and nudged her friend, who also stopped drinking and widened his brown eyes. In a moment the room was frozen. All eyes were on me.

Then the redhead started clapping.

I clutched Flora in surprise. A moment later, someone else followed. Soon the ballroom was erupted into cheers. Everyone raised their cups and drinks at me and shouted. They seemed to know me and for some reason, they looked ecstatic to see me.

"Alpha's girl!" someone shouted from the back. It earned around loud round of cheers. Slowly, it dawned on me. People went back to their conversations but still smiled proudly at me. Flora clung to my neck. Cups and beer bottles were trashed around the fancy ballroom. Someone had brought in kegs and everyone was drinking happily. Music throbbed the entire room. Sweaty bodies and bare skin danced in a big clump off the side of the ballroom. One girl was on the piano, dancing ridiculously with the rhythm of the music. Flora hid her head under my chin.

They knew I was Lucian's mate.

Of course Vaughn would invite werewolves.

"You're so beautiful! I love your hair." a girl with big red eyes crooned at me as I passed. She was partially in her wolf form. Her eyes were a glowing scarlet, much like Lucian's but warmer. She smiled and flashed her fangs while taking a big swig from an alcohol bottle. I smiled warmly at her and said a quiet thanks.

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