What Your Parents Think Of Him

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Markiplier: Your Mom and Dad love him even though he can be immature sometimes, and they don't really understand the whole playing games for a job yet but their learning.

Jacksepticeye: Your parents love Jack, they think he's the nicest and sweetest boy to date. Your dad also gave him the Dad seal of approval for marriage after you guys had dinner together.

Joe Sugg: Your Mom loved him, she thought he was so charming. But your dad on the other hand after watching some of his videos thought he was to immature and goofy for his liking. But for now he's trying his best not to be mean to him as you asked.

Casper Lee: Your Dad loved the fact that his job included him having his own movie and meeting some celebrities. Your mom was somewhat leaning to the no side just because she found him a little weird especially with his job. But she's trying to see why you like him so much for you.

Jake Paul: Your parents don't like Jake that much. Mostly because they find him childish and you two seem more like best friends than a couple. But your dad is slowly turning around and Jake is trying his best to get your mom to turn around.

Logan Paul: They think he's weird and slightly crazy with all the things he does. But they kinda try to look past that cause he's really nice and treats you well.

Danisnotonfire: They like Dan cause he's kinda like you in a sense. But sometimes there put off by his jokes not knowing if he's being serious or not. But luckily you know so when they see you snicker or chuckle they know it's a joke.

AmazingPhil: Your parents think he's an angel. A little weird sometimes but an angel to you and them.

KickthePj: Your parents thinks he's amazing, very creative, and childish as well.  They think he's colourful and imaginative like you. Also a plus that he has made his own online show.

Leafyishere: They don't really like him mostly for his job and how mean he sounds during his videos. But they slowly are trying to turn around for you but you know you'll have to help them out with liking him like you do.

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