Final Decision (Updated)

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Okay guys... So in a previous chapter I've mentioned my intent to unpublish OTaT.

I know there's a lot of you who haven't finished it yet, and I think it'll be unfair for me to take my work down for those who still want to read.

So I've decided to keep this version up here.
Yup, I'm not unpublishing OTaT.

Since this is the very first draft of an incomplete story, I think I can risk it being up here.

But...I won't be posting any of the sequels here anymore, and if I do decide, they will stay as samples of maybe four or five chapters. :-) (About the prequel, however, I will have to see if things have improved on this site, and that's when I'll decide whether I'll publish it or not.)

But, in the future, if ever I DO decide to fully unpublish OTaT, it can only mean two things:

1.) Plagiarism.
I've expressed my concern about this before.

2.) Publication.
Now I am nowhere near ready for this stage yet, but if I get to publish this (whether through traditional means or self-publication) then I will have to remove this version.

So...with that, I hope you all will be happy with this decision. :-) Happy reading, everyone!

*Update: After hearing of another recent incident where a user had her book stolen, I have decided to unpublish all but the first few chapters of OTAT. My heart is heavy, but I don't think it's wise for me to have a full draft up because of the big risk.

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