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I woke up in unfamiliar surroundings. Where am I? I slept at the floor then why am I in bed? And most importantly in whose bed I am? Then I saw the most amazing specimen that was created lying next to me. Christen Ace Rodriguez.

Really now, I thought you hated opposite gender.

I still do. This one man doesn't count as exception.

Are you sure?

I am positive.

His green eyes opened and locked with mine. He was naked from waist above. And his hands were holding my waist. It was a scene sounded from romantic novels girls love so much. Too bad I don't. I pulled his hands away from my body but his grip tightened on me. "Why am I here?" I asked.

"Cannot let a passenger freeze to death can I? It would only make sense why you are here" he said in a bored voice. But his grip didn't faltered even a little. I hate it when someone holds me like this way.

"Yes but why am I specifically at your bed? When you have a spare one in your specious cabin?" I asked. Got him, now you are out of comeback Mr. Rodriguez. "Because for that bed you have to pay and last time I checked you haven't" he said his voice was husky because of sleep. "I have if you said it earlier I have money with me." I said. "I don't want your rich good for nothing fiancé's money" he said.

"It's not his Mr. Rodriguez it's mine" I said. "Like the swords and dagger?" he asked amused. "Yes why it is hard to believe that a girl can carry her own weapons?" I asked getting irritated. "Because girls aren't supposed to defend themselves men are born for a reason, to protect little girls like you" he said.

"I am not little girl" I said trying to pull back only it made him react and my hands were pinned above me and his tall frame was hovering above. "Let go" I said. "Not so little girl huh?" he said his eyes dancing with unknown emotion. My mouth was suddenly dry. It was like I swallowed a huge amount of sand.

And we are nowhere near Egypt now. "I can protect myself Mr. Rodriguez. I have done it my entire life. How did you think I was able to come this far? I asked my voice turning bitter at the end.

He sensed my uneasiness. "Look I don't know why you are here and I don't want to put up with you delaying my plans in Egypt. So as soon as we land there I am sending you back to England with my few guards." He said. "I don't come here so I can just be transported back as an object. I will not go back to the house and get married to that good for nothing fellow" I said.

"Why are you so against this marriage" he said as his body pressed further into me. I was well aware of his hard chest against mine. "Did you have married if it was someone else instead of him?" he asked. His lips were close to my neck I was well aware of this close proximity.

His presence was doing things to me. The things no one can make me feel. I gulped trying to calm my breath. "I...I..." stop shuttering, you are stronger than this. Don't let this man effect you. "No my decision would have been the same" I said firmly.

He didn't say anything instead placed a kiss on my exposed neck and let me go. He stood up and followed towards the dresser. "I told them to stock you with dresses you can find them there. I was going to tread them but I found a better use for them" he said pointing to the dresser and cabinets by them.

"You will meet our cook James and help him with the cooking and after completing your chores you will return here and help me with some paperwork. You can read and I can put it to some good use" he said not looking at me.

I stood up and adjusted my dress properly. I rubber my wrists where he held me in his death grip few moments earlier. I picked up my sack and without uttering another word I walked out of the cabin. Moments later I found James the cook. He is a funny man. I can say he is not much older than I am. Maybe two or three years and unlike others he was glad to find some help in the kitchen so he doesn't have to feed the hungry mob alone.

I was slicing the potatoes humming to myself. I was preparing for the lunch. James insisted that he can be on cleaning duty. And I can cook. I am glad for that even in home I hated cleaning. Every one of the guards was seated there. They were drinking and making small talk.

"Young lass how did you get so good?" one of the older one asked. "A girl shall never reveal her secrets" I said and he gave me a smile. "True, true but if you don't mind can you teach us your moves?" another one asked. "I don't think you guys want to learn from a girl when you have Mr. Rodriguez with you" I said.

Suddenly everyone's voice went silence. And I felt it, it was him. Mr. Rodriguez in flesh and blood, he never showed up in kitchen so why now? He stood behind and his coat was covering my shoulders next. "Why you are alone here where is James?" he asked in a calm voice but I can detect hidden anger.

"James is on cleaning duty today. I am cooking" I said not looking back and resuming my work. "So he left you alone among these men?" he asked again. "Yes he did because unlike you he believes I can protect myself" I said. "

You are supposed to assist him that means he should have been here doing the cooking with you" he said icy shards lacing his voice. It was sending chills down my body.

"I will tell you again Mr. Rodriguez I am not a little girl I can take care of myself." I said. On the queue James returned with mop and bucket. I sent him a warning glare. He was shocked to see Mr. Rodriguez inside the kitchen.

"Now, of you will excuse me I have to feed a hungry mob" I said he was still there in his position analyzing with his eyes. I looked around only to find the place empty not even James was around. He pulled me to his chest again.

Only this time he was fully dressed. "Let go I have work Mr. Rodriguez." I said. "You do... but not here... you are coming with me into cabin James can do the rest of the cooking" he said.

No he will not going to order me around. He isn't my employer. He doesn't pay me or anything. "I am aware that I have to complete the paperwork for you Mr. Rodriguez but I will not leave James behind to fend for him

Because, he is the only person who has ever welcomed me with open arms without questioning me." I said. Mr. Rodriguez's grip tightened around me more. "You think so? That he is the only one huh little girl?" he asked. "I know so Mr. Rodriguez." I said. "Fine come straight to my Cabin after you are done" he said and left without another word.

James came running inside. "Are you alright Katharine?" he asked concerned. "Yes I am good your barbarous boss hadn't turned me into meal yet" I said and he looked horrified for some reason. "I haven't seen him like this before, I felt like either he will stab me to death or he will throw me from the ship directly into some shark's mouth." He said.

"I never seen him this angry what did you two talk about?" he asked. "Nothing much he wanted me to do some paperwork right now and I refused, I said I couldn't leave you on your own" I said

"So you defy an order from the highness himself?" One of the guards said amused. "Yes I did" I said. "Next time you will see him, he will not be happy to see you" James said. "I will manage and I can take care of myself" I said.

"I hope so kid because trust me you don't want to meet he devil when he is angry." He said and all the guards nodded

As Cold as Ice  (Dangerous Stranger's Book 1) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now