2• The Guardians

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(A/n: Lullaby's eyes when she meets the boys or her 'demon' comes out to play. This will have mature content in the future, but you need to understand Lullaby literally has the mind of a child. She invented make believe worlds to cope with her childhood. To an extent that'll never change about her. She's our little star child.)

"Hey, where are your shoes... and your pants?" Gabriel stared at me oddly as we crossed into someone's back yard. Sean opened the fence for us and I nearly shook with excitement at the sight of the pool. I'd still been a small child the last time I'd been able to go swimming. I wondered if I still even knew how.

I shrugged as I kept looking around," Don't have any." I hadn't really ever thought about it before, but I guess it was strange to walk around in only a t-shirt and panties. Mother, Father, and Marie wore shoes and pants. Maybe they didn't give me any because I never left the house and there was no point.

Gabriel froze. His eyes wide in shock, a hint of panic took over them as his head snapped towards the others. I peaked at the other two to see the same look. They looked tense, concerned, and anxious.

I pushed my lower lip to my teeth again before mumbling," It's okay. I never go out anyways. It's not like I need them."

I think I made it worse...

They all let out strangling noises as their eyes all landed on me. Sean tried to smile, but it made one of his eyes squint funny and resembled a pained grimace instead. "Let's get you inside. I'm gonna give you a look over Miss Pookie."

I furrowed my brow," What's a Pookie?" They all relaxed and smiled at me after that. Sean ruffled my hair," It's a nickname of sorts. Now chop chop! I need to get you inside!"

Gabriel tugged me along as Sean all but jogged to the glass door of the house. "Why?"
"Just to make sure everything is okay."
My eyes widened in realization. It made sense. If my family knew how to keep the demon at bay then others must know too! They probably wanted to make sure it was subdued enough before they deemed it safe to hang out with me.

"Oh! Yeah that's probably a good idea! Mother checks too."
Sean's eyes widened as he slid the door open. His eyes looked like they saw a monster inside of the house. He swallowed, keeping his eyes straight ahead," What does she check for Pookie?"

"The demon obviously. Don't worry. I understand. It's dangerous to not make sure it's subdued before hanging out with me. If it isn't I'll understand if you need to do a cleansing. Mother might be happy to know she doesn't have to doing one this morning if you do it."

I was suddenly airborne. Sean had picked me up in his arms, carrying me like a toddler with his arms under my butt and around my waist. I peaked up at him to see a clenched jaw and angry eyes. Uh oh. I made him angry. I wonder if he'll punish me too. Is he allowed?

Mother never mentioned others could. I wasn't suppose to speak to anyone else so I doubt it. Looking over his shoulder, I saw Gabriel and Victor walked side by side with tense stoic expressions. They didn't look very happy right now. I sighed heavily and rested my cheek on Sean's shoulder. I'm not very good at this...

"Get Nathan and Kota over here. Now." Sean commanded. His voice wasn't playful anymore. I didn't like it at all. "What about the others?" Victor asked as Gabriel shot off to the side and entered a room in the hallway, a cellphone already at his ear.

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