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and yes, before you ask, I changed this into a Luke / 5sos fanfic/story. If you've got problems with that please leave lol :)
anyways onto the book. x



It is an outrageously normal summer Saturday. I sit in the middle of my slender dorm room bed and feel the light, summer breeze brush across my exposed skin as I text my roomate Abbie, asking her when she's going to be back. She is out with her boyfriend. She always is. Earlier, she'd told me that she'd be back by now, since we're going to the campfire tonight, but she isn't, of course. Abbie is always late. I always tell her she's a bit of an exaggerated optimist when it comes to time.

I pick up my almost empty pack of cigarettes in frustration and light the last, intoxicating article before putting it between my teeth and breathing in the toxic, still wonderful and very calming smoke. I sigh, close my eyes and let my head fall back up against the wall behind me, feeling the smoke slowly fill my lungs.

The door to mine and Abbie's dorm room swings open and slams into the wall, a loud thud making it's way into my ears. I immediately know who it is.

"Cassidy!" He blurts out my name, his french accent clear in my ears as I feel a
heavy weight sit down on the edge of my bed. He is breathing quite heavily, probably from running all the way here. "I'm sorry."

"Alain, you simply cannot cheat on me and assume I would forgive you." I tell him calmly as I slowly puff out a trail of smoke toward his flustered face. He swears something under his breath in french as his muscles tense underneath his pale skin. "I like your french kisses, I really do," I smile and put my cigarette back in between my teeth, lightly flicking it around with my tongue. I watch his eyes light up before I continue, "in fact, I wouldn't mind one right now, but since you had sex wih another girl, we're never kissing again."

"Cassie, I swear, I still love you." Alain tells me.

"Your problem." I shoot him a genuine smile. "You don't hurt the ones you love."

The boy I had loved had drunken sex with another woman and thought i'd never even hear of it. But the rather splendid thing is, the girl he slept with, Alexandra, walked up to me the next day and told me all about it; how he touched her, carressed her skin and said her name. She told me every very detail. When I asked Alain about it, he confessed and told me how stupid he was. And he wasn't lying when he told me how utterly stupid he was, because he is absolutely idiotic, sitting here on my bed, begging for my forgiveness after what he has done.

Girls love to destroy, I think as I sigh once again.

"You should go, and stop wasting your time on me. I don't love you anymore." I tell him, at last.


I walk down a bright hall and stop right in front of my new dorm room, putting my suitcase next to me as I slowly open the door to the room.

I am sweating like crazy. I unsuccessfully try to wipe a drop of sweat away from my eyes.

Jesus, it was hot today. I've been running back and forth and up and down every hall to find my dorm room, here I am, at last. These corridors are like mini labyrints, and without a map you would never get out. At least I got in.

I wipe another drop of sweat off of my forehead as I walk inside, leaving the door open. The room is quite small. It's furnished with two slim beds on each side of the room, accompanied by two small nightstands, a warderobe, a drawer and a door that probably leads to what I assume is the bathroom. The left side of the room has already got posters and polaroid pictures on the walls, and there is clothes lying around everywhere, except for the space on my bed. Let's say the left side looks kind of taken.

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