the pact | three.

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Two weeks later


Peering over at my co-worker and friend Eden, who was practically nose deep in her phone while we were on our lunch break, I raised my eyebrows. "What's the 'uh-oh' for?"

Eden tapped a few buttons on her phone before turning it towards me. "Looks like Bryce found himself some arm candy."

I rolled my eyes, preparing to dismiss whatever article that Lynn had pulled up—but instead a series of pictures of Bryce making out with some blonde chick. The caption under the photo read, Is Bryce Harper off the market with model Bella Olson? We've got the scoop!

"Since when is HollywoodLife a reputable source?" I asked without missing a beat, pushing the phone away. But I couldn't ignore the odd feeling in my stomach at the result of seeing him swap spit with a girl who looked like a carbon copy of Gigi Hadid.

"So you're telling me you aren't bothered by any of this?" Eden raised her eyebrows and then redirected her attention to the screen.

"Bryce can date whoever he wants to." I know I sounded jealous, but it didn't matter. This was how it was supposed to go, right? The pact ends once Bryce or I find someone. He beat me to it, apparently, which actually makes it easier. Now there'd be no pressure for me to find a guy.

"Whatever you say, sis. Maybe you should ask him about her."

I'd thought about it. Wondered if he would write it off like he did Kendall or actually admit he was with this chick. "Nah. If he wants to tell me, he will. I'm not worried."

Eden stood to throw away her trash, looking back over her shoulder. "Something tells me you are."

I grunted, collecting my trash and throwing it away right behind her. Bryce was probably busy, so I didn't want to bother him with a stupid question about his personal life. Just because our relationship was tight-knit didn't automatically mean we had to share everything with each other.

Then again, he had said on multiple occasions that he'd let me know if and when he started dating someone. But a few pictures on a tabloid website didn't fall into that category, right?

I inwardly groaned. I needed to get back to work before this thing drove me nuts. I'd text Bryce later—if at all—and deal with it then. I just hated how much it upset me when any normal person would be perfectly fine with it.



I hate myself, man. And I know that sounds pretty awful, but when you suck at everything outside of baseball, namely relationships, you'd feel the same way I do.

When I see my face plastered on a bunch of entertainment websites with Bella Olson, it automatically makes me cringe. So much for trying to be discreet. We'd met on Insta and DM'd on and off for the past few months, but it really never went beyond that until last night. I wasn't really looking for anything serious, but Bella was and I felt obligated to play a role that didn't fit.

Don't know what's worse. Being miserable in a relationship or stringing someone along who's obviously happy that you're in their life.

After practice, Jayson and Anthony jogged to catch up with me after we'd left the batting cages. "Hey man, so it looks like you finally got over your lady problem, huh? Since you're with Bella now."

I gave Anthony a sideways glance and shook my head. "Why do all my relationships interest you all so much?"

Jayson laughed, swinging his gym bag over his shoulder. "We're not just your teammates, Bryce, we're your friends. You'd ask if we were in the same situation, right?"

I couldn't disagree. "Well, I'm not out of the woods yet. I still have feelings for the other girl." I'd vaguely told both Jay and Anthony about the situation with Cass without actually mentioning her name. If they knew, I'd never hear the end of it. But I'd be lying if I didn't say it seemed like they could already guess who I was talking about.

"So you're with Bella physically, but not mentally. Is that what you're saying?"

"Exactly." I replied to Anthony. We exited the area and walked further down the street to where our cars were parked, trying our best to stay low profile. "So what should I do?"

Jayson rubbed his chin for a moment, thinking. "I'd say tell her how you feel before it's too late and you've made a commitment to Bella. Or if she's found someone."

I looked to Anthony, who nodded his agreement, having always been the quiet one. "Okay. I'll call her once she gets off work."

"Atta boy." Jayson patted my shoulder and we said our goodbyes as we went to our separate vehicles. I sucked in a breath and let it back out slowly. Today would be the day. I was going to tell Cass how I feel about her.

It'll either be a hit or miss. And I've had a helluva lot of those.


i am so sorry for not updating! i legit have been like a ghost on here. been super busy and with school coming back and me going to my writing group every week, i've been focusing on my non wattpad writing endeavors. but i still have so many ideas for stories even as i do that! and my goal is to finish the current books i have before positng anything else.

anywho, what did you guys think of this chapter? do you think bryce will finally tell cass how he feels, or will he chicken out? i've already got chapter four planned, so lemme know your theories!

thanks for all the reads and comments. let's keep them going! (:

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