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  "There's nothing you can do for her?" A strong, well kept man yelled at the Banin doctor. "Sir, calm yourself. She is providing herself and your son quite well." He stated, placing a cold wet towel on the women's forehead. The man stared at the doctor in dismay, but grunted in response. "Head back to Banin, you are of no use here." He grumbled, and left the small house. 

He had reached the shore of the ocean, and glanced out to the other villages that were insight. His wife was dying, and he wasn't even sure if his son would live. "Oh god, how are we to cope with such tragedy?!" He cried, but stiffened up when he heard a stick crack. "Who's there?!" He stood up quickly his hand stood in front of his  sword's handle. A dark figure stood in front of him, his eyes unnaturally were gleaming. "Sidin? My, My, My. I am quite surprised to see you ALIVE." He said stepping out. Sidin never let his guard down and narrowed his eyes. "Why are you here? Since when do you leave the castle grounds?" Sidin snarled and stepped back a little, he could feel a little bit of the ocean on his heels. 

  "I came to speak with your town lord, any ideas?" The man murmured, showing no fear at the separate man. "He is not here at the moment, he is near Banin and Fioria." He muttered, his eyes were hidden from any expression. "You don't seem very.. what's the word.. 'Welcoming' tonight." The man chuckled, which caused Sindin to Snarl in defense. "Why would anybody who lives here welcome you? Were not as stupid but to let your crimes slip from our mind." Sindin murmured, his hand then placed on the handle. This clearly alarmed the other man, in which he held his hands up. "Geez Sindin, I'll won't keep you from your family. Now, i'll be taking my lead. Farewell, old friend!" He chuckled, and disappeared into the shadows. 

  Sindin stared at him until it occurred to him. How did he know about his family's medical conditions? Sindin dashed off of the beach into the house, his eyes widened in pain. His wife laid  lifeless. He son was crying as the doctor lay unconscious on the floor. Sindin fell to his knees, his tears were soaking his cheeks. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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