24: Traumatized By A Pumpkin

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"What are you doing tonight?" Harry chirps through the phone as I walk across campus to the bus stop.

"Well it's a Monday night Harry so school work, writing, eating a box of White Cheddar Cheese Crackers, and then crashing in bed before I can brush my teeth probably."

This makes him laugh and I grin like a fool in the middle of a sea of angsty college students probably annoyed by my happiness in the middle of this stressful semester.

"Even though all that sounds fun..." he says tentatively, " you have to cancel it."


"Yep," he says letting the 'p' pop past his lips. "You're coming over to mine and we're carving pumpkins."

I stop dead in my tracks surprised at his suggestion. "Eww, why would we do that?"

"Do you not know what today is?"

I remain silent.

"It's Halloween Mia and we are going to celebrate." Well I've never been one to celebrate Halloween. Maybe it's because I was an only child, I don't know but whatever the reason I never got into it.

"Okay I guess," hiding my excitement for seeing him again and not just chatting with him over the phone. "I'll be back at my house in about 45 minutes so see you in an hour?"

"Actually I'm pulling up now."

I take a deep breath knowing that he isn't listening. "I just said I'm at school Harry, you'll be stuck outside the house for awhile. Monica isn't even there and I don't have a hide-a-key so–"

"Woah Mia, take a breath. I'm at your school."

"What!" I scream down the phone. "You can't be here, what if someone sees you?"

"No one will if you get over here. I'm near the gym."

"Of course you are," I mutter under my breath, a flash of the dream I had of Harry working out making my whole body turn to goo as I try to hold the phone, speed walk, and rummage through my bag for my sunglasses and cap to put on before I get to him.

"What was that?" Harry asks but I'm not about to explain to Harry that I have dreamt of him doing pull ups and lifting weights.

"Nothing, just stay in your car," I beg him. "I'll be there in a minute just duck down or something."

He chuckles, "I have tinted windows love, I think we're safe."

Finally I get my cao on my head and my glasses on my face and start to run in the direction of the gym. And I'm breathless after three steps but that doesn't matter. I need to get to Harry before he does something stupid like getting out of his car and waiting for me outside in all his perfect British beautiful glory.

He'd be recognized in a minute.

The moment I spot his car I run even faster.

Wait that's not right.

Before I know it I've crashed into the side of his car, palms flat on his window, my nose inches away from the same fate.

These windows may be tinted but I know what he looks like right now. There is a stupid big grin on his face. He might even he biting his knuckles, something he does when he's really trying not to laugh.

"Hey Harry, nice to see you." I rush as I close my door and buckle my seatbelt. "Why don't we get going?"

"No tour?"

"Nope, not today."

Harry starts to drive down the road but doesn't drop the subject. "Come on, I won't get out out of the car but I would like to see where you spend so much of your time."

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