Chapter Eleven

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The thing in the shadows became clear as it got closer - a huge black horse, galloping toward them. On its back was a forbidding-looking knight, wearing armor as dark as his steed. A wicked helm concealed the rider’s face.

Pulse quickening, Tam set his hand on the hilt of his sword. “First fight?”

Not a pleasant thought - he would feel better if he’d had at least some experience with combat in the game. Frightening the hairy man with his blade didn’t count.

Jennet shifted her grasp on the staff. Her cheeks were pale. “The Black Knight. He… he shouldn’t be here. Usually he’s much deeper in the game.”

“That sounds bad.” He squinted at the approaching rider. “What’s that, in front of the saddle?”

There was a small figure perched on the horse’s neck, seemingly unafraid of either its precarious position or the imposing knight just behind. As they drew close, the creature scrambled forward, using fistfuls of mane to pull himself up until he was nearly standing on the horse’s head.

The thundering of hooves ceased as the Black Knight brought his mount to a halt directly in front of them. The spritely creature riding in front lifted one stick-like arm in a wave, the gossamer tatters of his clothing following the movement.

“Well met, Fair Jennet,” he said in a clear, high voice. He grinned at them from his vantage point, his brown eyes sparkling. “And to this brave yet untried champion. Greetings, Tamlin.”

Tam blinked up at the creature. “It’s, er, Newrin.”

Wasn’t it? Seemed like the character creation in this game was badly bugged. That’s what he got for playing the beta version. Still, it was very weird that the little creature addressed him by name.

“Well met, Puck.” Jennet made a small curtsey, but Tam could see her hands trembling. “What brings you so far from the pleasures of court?”

The sprite folded his arms. “The Queen desires to know who has entered the Realm. I come with a message - and a warning.”

Behind Puck, the knight sat motionless, as though he were an inanimate object. It was eerie. Usually the devs built in some kind of movement to in-game characters. Maybe they had missed coding this one.

“What message does the queen have for us?” Jennet asked, her voice higher-pitched than usual.

Tam was glad to let her do the talking - she knew the rules, after all. It was good to get a bit of the storyline, even though it seemed disjointed. Was this queen the final boss they would have to defeat to win the game?

“She bids you remember that the Realm does not give up its secrets lightly.” Puck leaped, making a sudden somersault from the horse’s head, and caught the top of Jennet’s staff. He clung there, hovering before them, and lowered his impish voice. “It is never simple to regain what was lost.”

“I know.” Jennet sounded way more unhappy than Tam would have expected from a bit of scripted dialogue. “Tell the queen I have come for what is mine.”

She shook her staff, as if to dislodge the sprite, and Puck frowned at her. “Your champion still must prove himself, foolish Jennet.”

“He will,” she said, sending Tam an anxious look.

“Ha!” The sprite laughed, and the sound sent prickles down the back of Tam’s neck. “Then he may do so this instant. Black Knight, I summon thee to battle!”

There was a blur of motion, and suddenly the Black Knight was standing before them, menace emanating from his faceless visor. His black sword hissed out of the sheath, and Tam leaped forward, making sure he was between Jennet and the knight. He drew his own weapon - barely in time. Dark metal clanged against silver, the shock jarring him to the teeth.

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