The Wish

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The girls took turns drinking from a giant bottle of vodka as they sat in Spencer's Barn. Ali had no sooner been arrested and hauled off to jail for Mona's murder then they had received a message from A.

"You know what I wish?" Hanna announced from her slumped position on the couch "I wish Ali and her family had never moved to Rosewood"

"We had this talk once Han" Spencer said as checked her phone. Toby had been texting/sexting her all night. He was out with Ezra and Caleb and they had agreed to meet up later if neither one of them was completely obliterated. The way Spencer was feeling now they'd only be able to meet up if Toby came to the barn. She was pretty confident she couldn't walk to the door "if it weren't for Ali, we wouldn't be friends"

"No I don't believe that" Aria jumped up as she began stripping off her jacket "we were meant to be friends. We would've been friends without Ali."

The three girls looked to Emily. She'd been especially quiet.

"I agree with Hanna" she said drinking from the bottle "Rosewood would be a better place if Ali's family had just stayed in Georgia."

"Mona would be alive" Hanna muttered.

"A wouldn't exist" Spencer chipped in

"We'd just be four normal teenage girls" Aria added.


The sunlight streams in her window as she wakes up. She can't pinpoint it but something feels different. She's just about to get up from bed when a small child jumps onto her bed.

"I must be dreaming" she thinks to herself. 

"Taylor!" Melissa yells coming into the room "how many times have I told you not to bother your aunt Spencer.

Aunt Spencer?

"This has to be a dream" Spencer groaned laying back down.

"It's not and you better get up, you don't want to be late for school"

Spencer is shocked when she comes downstairs and Melissa is pleading with her father.

"Please daddy, please?" Melissa begs.

"What is this Peter? The third or fourth time?" Veronica scoffs as she enters the kitchen.

"I need the money for rent daddy, you're not going to let me and Taylor be homeless are you"

"Of course not" He agreed "the two of you are welcome to live in the barn if you need a place to stay but I'm sorry I'm not giving you any more money."

Peter and Veronica left without another word. Spencer went to the coffee pot to pour a cup and couldn't miss the sound of Melissa's sobbing.

"I'm sure you're loving this" she sniffled "you're their favorite now."

Not knowing what to say Spencer just went to Melissa and hugged her.

"He told me he loved me. He said he wanted us to be a family. How could he leave me? Leave us?"

"I don't know Melissa"


She wakes up on a couch with a fleece blanket tossed over her. She can see her clothes scattered on the floor. Off in the distance she hears someone singing "Thunder"

As she pulls her clothes on she ascertains that she is at Noel's cabin.

In an adjacent room she finds Noel playing a guitar.

She stands there admiring his voice.

"Hey sunshine" he smiles setting down the guitar to kiss her. "How'd you sleep? I would've carried you to my room but the 'rents haven't left yet."

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