Chapter 3: Wearing His Jacket

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Shane's POV:

I looked across the cafeteria, towards Kaelyn's usual spot; she always sat with her three friends on the far left side of the cafeteria. But, today, I saw that she was looking in my direction. She's never looked over this way- at least never at the same time that I've been looking. I didn't know what to do, so instinctively I winked at her. Her eyes widened and she quickly turned back to her friends.

Crap. I probably just scared her again.

"So, how was your first period today?" Gage laughed. I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but smile. First period was perfect, even though I might've crept Kaelyn out, but I still got to talk to her. Well, she did most of the talking, rambling on about her personal bubble. I smiled at the thought. Kaelyn was definitely different from the other girls.

"Heard you got to touch that fine ass that belongs to Kaelyn Green," Vincent winked. I glared at him. He knows what I've done to boys who talk about her like that. Vincent got a scared look in his eyes and backed down. I wouldn't beat up my best friend... but if he talks about Kaelyn like that again, I might. I do it to just about every other boy. It really is a wonder how she hasn't realized that's one of the biggest reasons I get into fights.

Oh yeah, don't forget Shane, she's barely even taken an interest in talking to you yet. She doesn't even know what guys say about her.

"Have you seen the picture of you two on Facebook? Apparently Coleman isn't too happy with you right now," My smile quickly disappeared from my face. Ryder Coleman... the one who took my first love away... the one who got together with Kaelyn just to make me jealous.

"Excuse me?" I said. I saw Kyle flinched at my tone. I would've thought he would be used to my attitude by now, but I guess he's not. Even though he's the newest addition to our group, he's seen my bad side plenty of times before.

"Go look at Coleman's Facebook page, his most recent photo," Vincent told me. I took my black iPhone out of my pocket and quickly logged into Facebook. I searched for 'Ryder Coleman' and his profile showed up instantly. I clicked on the link, and immediately I saw a picture of Kaelyn and I. My hands were gripping her waist and it looked like I was kissing her ear.

It was a damn nice picture, but the caption underneath it made my blood boil. 'Oh look at Kaelyn and her new boyfriend. I won't be surprised when he hurts her, just like he does to all the other girls. Then she'll come crawling back to me'.

I angrily shoved my phone back into my pocket and stood up from the table.

"Where are you going?" Gage asked me.

"Away," I mumbled. I walked towards the doors that lead out to the front lawn. I was oblivious to everything, and everyone as I walked down to my car. I unlocked it and sat in the front seat, debating if I should leave school or not.

Ryder made me so pissed off. I can't believe that we were actually friends at one point. He took my beautiful Ali away from me, the first person I ever felt like I loved. He was my best friend, and he let my, now ex, girlfriend cheat on me... with himself! What kind of a friend does that? Then... the worst of the worst happened, he figured out my secret; the secret that I had true feelings for a girl again. I don't know how he figured it out but, he did and he did everything in his power to keep Kaelyn away from me. He dated her for six months... six months, when that could've been me. He cheated on her... I would've never done that. Not after that vow I made to myself when I was twelve.

Now it's at least two months after their break-up and I want to make a move but, I know she would never fall for me. Her head's probably still filled with all the nonsense Ryder told her about me.

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