• Chapter 25 •

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Many say you never experienced life until it's growing inside of you. I never got that concept as a kid but I do now. Every kick and punch as my babies are growing, I am thankful for God for blessing me and Elena with these babies.

There was a knock on my door as I groaned as I go to answer it.

"Jesus guys could ya be any louder? Elena is sleeping and she'll kill me if I wake her from her nap," I said as they disregard my glare and made themselves at home.

"Ya can stay but can't be loud," I said and they nod as I sighed while grabbing chips and beer.


It was halfway through the game when I hear a sod t voice calling my name and before I knew it my feet take me to the stairs where Elena was standing, frightened

"Baby what's wrong? Are you okay? The babies?" I asked as I pull her into my arms cradling her not so tiny body. If she ever heard me say that I'd be surely dead.
Now that she's 8 and half months along, she's been a lot more clingy to me. Don't get me wrong I love when Elena is cuddly but this is considered too much cuddly.
"I had a bad dream," she whimpers "I thought I was gonna lose our babies,"
"Oh baby, that's never going to happen," I said cradling her and I could hear the boys saying I was whipped and I glared at them which made them laugh but made Elena cried.
I let out a menacing growl as Dax sends them out. This is so not what I need to calm her down.
"Elena listen to me baby. Everything is gonna be okay," I said cooing but she was shaking her head
"I'm scared," she whispers and I let it a breath. It pains me to see Elena in this state. "I don't think I can be a great mom,"
"There's no such thing as a great mother Elena." I told her "but I know you're going to be the best mom to our kids. Want to know why?"
She nods her head as she listens to my heartbeat
"Because you're sweet, kind, you'll listen to their needs. You'll always be there for them." I told her "I hope they will be like you more than they are like me. You're selfless Elena, always putting others needs before you, that's what makes you the better person than I am." I told her "I'm selfish Elena and I will absolutely do anything to keep you guys safe no matter what,"
"You're wrong about one thing Hunter," she says and I raise a brow cause she knows I'm never wrong "you're not selfish. In fact you're the most caring man I know. You showed a lot of change when you met me and your old self wouldn't have done that,"
In ways I knew she was right, like always. My old self wouldn't be here. I could've just rejected her but I didn't. There was something to her that I adored. And I couldn't find myself to say no.

"You're right," I said and I could feel her smirking
"I'm What?" She says and I sighed I know she's not gonna let me live this down "say it again,"
"Like always you're right and I was wrong. My old self would've never let anyone close to me," I said as I rub her back. I look down and I see that she's softly asleep. So I carried her off the ground and back to our bedroom where she wouldn't let me go so I climbed in beside her.
I bent down and kissed her stomach as I talk to our babies.
"You guys be good to mommy okay? We are very excited to meet you guys. We love you so so much," I whispered as I felt them kick and I pulled Elena closer to my body.


I had that feeling when something was up because Hunter is never this bubbly. I keep asking him questions and he keeps saying it's a surprise or he avoids the question so it makes me question his character.

We are in the car driving to God only knows where and I'm getting a little frustrated that I don't know where we are.

"Babe quit worrying. We're here," He says as he hops out the car and runs to my side for help. I see that we are at my parents house. I raise a brow at him and he smiles.
As soon as the doors closed, the lights turned on and everyone shouted surprise. I was stunned and surprised to see everyone here and I don't know why!

"What's going on? What is this?" I asked as Lei comes up to me and hugs me
"Silly it's your baby shower! Me and Jess have been planning this for months!" She says smiling as they lead me to the backyard where everyone was dancing and having fun
"Oh wow I didn't think about having a baby shower," I said
"Yeah that's why we thought it would be a nice surprise for you," Jess says "it was hard to keep you from hearing our plans and we knew we had to have it sooner."
"Considering you're eight and half weeks along you're really glowing ma," Silver says smirking and I smile

"Alrighty everyone time to play guess the bump size," Jess says "to be direct, you use toilet paper wrap it around Elena's waist those who are exact or close to her bump will get a $25 gift card,"
Everyone cheers as they get in line and I say in this chair that has a banner above the head stating 'Baby Mama'.

There was exactly 6 winners. People were either too short, almost there, or too long. Next thing on the list was pin the baby on mommy.
Jess and the boys hanged up a huge poster of me before I was pregnant against the wall.
"Object of the game is similar to pin the donkey obviously so who wants to go first?" Lei asks as Jocelyn steps up and she gets blindfolded. The. She was handed two paper babies then was spun around really fast before she was stopped suddenly.
She stumbled as her feet trip over each other. Eventually she managed to get the babies on the wall but they weren't in my arms rather they were on my thighs.
"Maybe next time Joce," Matt says applauding her and she smiles as the next person goes.

It was around 2 in the morning when everyone started to leave and I was feeling more hungry than sleepy so I scavenge the kitchen for any leftovers.

Being pregnant can have its ups and downs however it's all worth it at the end when you bring life to the world we live in.

"Elena? Everything okay?" Hunter asks and I smile as I pull him into a hug
"Yeah just a little hungry," I said and he nods as he sits me on the counter as he whips up something for us.
"What are you craving the most?" He asks
"Mm pickles and chips and chicken," I said and he gives me a look while raising a brow "hey don't judge! These babies have your appetite!"
"Okay okay! One pickled chippy chicken meal coming up," he teases and I glared at him and he smiles and I shake my head while waiting for my meal.

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